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Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jessica's POV

The following day I felt a little bit better. My headache was still there but tolerable, as well as the pain in my shoulder and back.

The doctor came before lunch. He was probably in his late sixties, with a very soft gentle voice. He removed the bandage from my head and put a medical plaster at the side of my forehead.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a scar removal cream for this. The scar will fade in a few weeks," he said.

"Thank you, Doctor." I leaned back on the bed and said to him, "I'm not worried about having a scar. My only concern is my memory loss. All I know are my name and my face. I don't know who I am, where I came from and what I am doing here in New Zealand."

"You have a concussion because of your head injury. You're still in shock right now, but in a few weeks when you've recovered, your memories will all come back. You really have nothing to worry about, Mrs. Latsis. You're a very lucky woman, you survived the plane crash without being badly injured. You're totally fine, all your X-rays and medical test results are normal," the doctor assured me.

He succeeded in making me feel hopeful that soon my memories would come back.

"Can you tell me who I am? Do I have a family? It seems like they're not worried about me. No one stays with me here."

The doctor smiled, then said, "Of course you have a family, and they're worried about you. I talked to your mother-in-law, Stella Latsis. I assured her that you're okay. All you need is rest. Her son made sure that you get the best treatment here in the hospital. We report to him every day about the status and progress of your recovery."

The mention of my husband uplifted my gloomy mood a little. But I was dismayed that he was not there with me in the hospital.

"Where is he?"

The doctor cleared his throat, then said, "I talked to him this morning. He said he'll come this afternoon after a meeting. He's a very busy man, taking care of the family business."

"I see." I twisted my lips in disappointment, then I looked at the rings on my fingers. So, I was right. I married a rich businessman.

Does he prioritize the business rather than taking care of his wife? I'm sure he has trusted employees who can take care of the business for a while.

"Do I have any children, doctor?" The thought suddenly occurred to me.

"No, you don't have any, Mrs. Latsis," he said, before he was summoned to go to the emergency room.

The moment the doctor left, I managed to clean myself. I showered and brushed my teeth. A nurse assigned to me got me a clean patient gown. She also combed and dried my hair.

I was impatiently waiting for my husband to arrive the whole afternoon. I watched television, looking for some news about the plane crash. I had goosebumps when I learned how tragic it was. Too many bodies were trapped inside the plane when it exploded. The New Zealand Search and Rescue Team could not get them out because it was too risky, the petrol was leaking.

What I saw in the news brought me into tears. I could have been dead right now. I prayed and thanked God for giving me a chance to live.

The door opened, and a nurse came in. She saw me crying and was immediately concerned.

"What's the matter?"

"I just saw the news about the plane crash. I... I can't believe that I was among the passengers," I said, bursting into tears.

"You're making yourself upset again."

"I can't help it." I told her about what I saw on the television and she listened eagerly.

"Consider yourself very lucky to survive. It's like having a second life."

"Exactly. I'm very grateful to God," I agreed with her.

"So stop crying now, okay? What will your visitor think when he sees your eyes swollen? By the way, he's waiting at the nurse station and looking so gorgeously handsome in a gray suit. The young nurses are so giddy again, they can't take their eyes off him. And you know what, he brought you flowers! You're a very lucky girl."

I stared at her and could not believe what I just heard.

"You mean, he's here?"

"Yeah. Should I let him in now?"

"Of course! You should have told me right away." I took a tissue paper from the side table, wiped the tears off my face and blew my nose.

"Oh... yeah, that's the reason why I'm here. I just forgot when I saw you crying," the nurse said, looking embarrassed.

"Please, let him in. I've been waiting for him the whole afternoon already." I combed my hair in a hurry and checked my face in the small mirror I found in the bathroom drawer.

"Okay, okay," the nurse said and immediately left the room.

My heart was beating faster as I waited for my husband. I was so nervous. I wondered how I would react to seeing him. It would be like meeting him again for the first time.

The door opened and a tall, lean and devastatingly handsome man came in holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers. My eyes grew big as I stared at him. He looked like a model on the runway or a celebrity. Dark eyes, chiselled nose, prominent jawline and dark hair.

I could not take my eyes off him. I could not believe that I married a gorgeous man. I probably fell in love with him at first sight.

I did not have any recollection of him. None whatsoever. He might be a stranger in my mind, but he made my heart beat faster and my pulse race. He was indeed my husband. My brain forgot, but my heart remembered.

"Hello, Jessica."

It was all he said and I burst into tears. Sadness and despair overwhelmed me as I got out of the bed and ran to him. I hugged him so tight, and when he lifted my face, I was lost in his dark compelling eyes. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his lips.

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