Part 1: Chapter Five

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Turmoil is the only word I could think of to describe me and the state of mind I was in. For a full week, I didn't talk to anyone. The twins couldn't even get me to talk. I went to school and came home, not saying anything to anybody. I was surprised I wasn't in trouble for what happen, it wasn't like I cared one way or the other anyway. With everything else on my mind they could've suspended me and I wouldn't have even batted an eye. I even ignored the voices. I needed a break from the shit and this was the only way for me to get it.

The group of werecats has been here since we found them. They was going to leave but Gma told them not to saying that when I did come around I would have questions and they was the only ones who could answer them for me. However, them staying here turned out to be the wrong move.

Romel and Jabar couldn't get along to save their lives. I hear them constantly bickering over anything. Puffing their chest trying to outdo each other. They had to be broken up every other day and quite honestly everybody was tired of it. I know Derrick is tired of dealing with it, since he was the one who stepped up as big brother while I'm fucked up. I could hear everytime he had to break them up. Errick helped too but it was mostly Derrick. I know I needed to snap out of this but I didn't know how. I couldn't wrap my mind around what was told to me.

We had two weeks before this big change was supposed to happen and I still couldn't believe it. I know everybody was just as lost as me and there was nothing I could do about that.

"You could get up and face the music" Alpha said.

"The pack need you, they're falling apart without you. Derrick may be holding shit down but eventually even he will need you." Alpha said calmly.

Shocking the hell out of me. Usually he talking shit or trying to fight somebody. Yet today he seemed to be the voice of reason.

"We are better than this, you are better than this. It's time for you to get up" the other voice said.

I knew he was right as much as I hated to admit it. If what Gma said was true then I was going to have to be strong but I didn't know how to be. I felt so alone in this. Deep down I was scared, even if I didn't show it.

Walking in my room without knocking Derrick shook his head at me. My room looked like a tornado ran through half of it. Everything that was on my dresser was on the floor, hell the whole dresser was on the floor split in half separated by a hole in the middle that cracked the whole thing. All the clothes was scattered around on the floor surrounding it.

Yet when you look at the other side where my closet was everything was still in there, nice and neat like usual. It was like it represented my mind, split down the middle. I laid in bed staring up at the ceiling not even acknowledging Derricks presence.

The past week for me hasn't been easy. My voices seem to not get along, at least they were not trying to, bickering about anything. Blaming each other for my current mental state. I just wanted it all to stop. I just wished it all would go away.

"That's not going to happen Kas, you are just as much a part of us as we are you. I know I've been a dick all your life something I can't and won't apologize for since this is me but I can try to be better. I don't like seeing you like this the last time you were like this it brought me to the surface." Alpha said sounding more sincere than I've ever heard before.

"Our change is happening in two weeks time I need you to accept this, accept us. Even the cat because if not our change will not only be very painful it will probably not completely happen. Gma warned us. We will start but it will stop and it will keep trying until we fully shift. The pain is said to hurt worse than a thousand deaths. It's not something you would want to go through forcefully more than once. So I'm begging you. Me Alpha is begging you. Accept this."

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