"You shine like a diomond"

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Author's POV.

You wake up the next morning to see Duke siting in the chair across the room. He is live, so you try not to disturb him. His fans still have no idea that he has a girlfriend. You slowly reach for you phone and start to text your cousin. "Sorry," you type. "I've been hanging out with my new boyfriend." She instantly replies. "What?? I need a name, age, and dick size." "Sarah!" You type. "Okay. He's 19, his name is Duke, and that last one is none of your business 😉." "Wait," she says. "Duke? Is that.. no. It can't be that Willy Wonka guy." You giggle at her text. "Yes, you reply. It is that Willy Wonka guy. We started dating after the meet and greet." She starts to call you. You say "fuck it" and answer, not caring if you disturb Duke's live or not. She hears him talking in the background and you hear her jaw drop through the phone. Duke walks over to you, out of camera frame, and plants a kiss on your lips. She hangs up the phone with a disgusted sound. "Who was that?" Duke asks. "My cousin, Sarah," you say. He nods and goes back to his live to read the comments. "Who were you talking to???" "Omg is that your girlfriend?" Duke laughs as you get up to brush your hair and teeth so you could look presentable on his live.

Your POV.

I finish washing my face when Duke comes in the bathroom with his phone still on live. I laugh and say hi to all of the fans. As the comments rush in, Duke introduces me as Y/n,
his girlfriend. There was a lot of hate about me. Saying how I was so ugly and how he would find someone better, but there was also a lot of love. So much love, that it began to filter out the hate. I hadn't realized that Duke sat the phone down to where it was facing us. I pulled him in for a kiss. The comments started to flood again. "Omg, I was screen recording!" "I ship!!!!!" Duke and I laugh, not really caring about the videos that would soon be out on the internet. Duke ends the live as I start to get ready. "Hey Duke," I say. "Yes baby?" He smiles. "It's such a perfect smile. I love it. Wait, love? No, snap out of it, you just met the man." My train of thought gets interrupted by Duke waving his hand in front of my face. I giggle. "Duke, do you wanna go to a small place in the woods? I've been going there since I was a kid. It's so peaceful." I let out a breath after those last two sentences. "How do I know your not going to drag me in the woods and feed me to the coyotes?" I laughed at Duke's comment. "You don't." I wink. We both get ready. I see Duke slip something into his pocket, but think nothing of it. We start to walk to the waterfall. We get there and sit on an old large rock that leaned up against a tree. It gave us a perfect view of the crystal clear water. Soon after, Duke  stands up and pulls out a flat grey box. He hands it to me. "Baby, you shine as bright as the diamonds on this bracelet," the note on the box reads. I open it to see a beautiful diamond bracelet. I smile and kiss Duke. He helps me out it on. "Thank you baby," he says. Without thinking, three short words come out of my mouth. "I love you." Duke's jaw drops as he smiles. "I love you too." Relief washes over me. We sit there for a while longer. Duke's phone begins to ring. "Hello?" I hear him say. I don't think he knows who it is. "Oh hi. Yes I'm available on Wednesday. Great, just text me the address."  I give him a confused look. "Work, I have to take some wedding photos on Wednesday." I smile. "That will give me enough time to make him a drawing," I think to myself.

Author's POV.

You and Duke stand up to leave. He grabs your hand as you walk him back through the woods. It's Monday, so you have two days until he leaves. "Hmm," you think. "Should I go ahead and start the drawing?" Your thoughts get interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around your waist. You run away from Duke. Jumping on the couch as he runs after you. You found some chips on the counter during the run. You begin to snack on the chips as Duke plops down on the couch. You turn on Netflix, scrolling to horror movies. They've been your absolute favorite since you were a kid. You decide to watch Truth or Dare. Duke grabs a blanket and covers both of you up. "Baby, this movie is scary," he says. "You wanna watch something else?" You ask with general concern. "No, I'll be fine. But don't get mad when I jump on you." You laugh as Duke cuddles closer. About half way through the movie, a jumps scare comes. You sit there peacefully while Duke looses it. He jumps so high off the couch. "Baby, it's okay," you try to say in between the laughs. You grab the remote and switch the movie to Avengers End Game. He thanks you and snuggles closer. It's only 2pm, but you are both tired. Y'all fall into a deep sleep that lasts until morning.

(Author here- Thank you for the small amount of views and votes. Every little bit counts! Please feel free to leave feedback anytime! Also, I'm from Arkansas, so I apologize if I use any southern references that people may not understand. I've been keeping it under control so far, lmao. Stay safe😌)

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