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Ch 3: Blake

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The supermarket lights flickered off once again, shrouding me in darkness. At this point the weather had become a full-on storm, causing the remaining electricity to fade in and out.

After about half a day's walk from the house, I had finally made my way to a small corner store on the outskirts of the city. Fortunately for me, it partially was hidden under one of the city's many bridges and looked for the most part untouched.

Kicking in the hastily barricaded door, I was greeted with my own little nirvana. Partially-stocked shelves.

A grin spread across my face as I took in all of the goods beneath the flickering lights and I immediately got to work, filling my duffel bag to the brim with everything I could get my hands on – protein bars, canned food, water bottles, medicines, vitamins, and some lighters.

If there was one thing about the end of the world that I kind of enjoyed, it was stealing. I still got a rush of adrenaline when I took things from the shelves and shoved them into my bag. It was like winning the lottery, especially on days like today when I came across the rarity of stocked shelves.

Reaching into my jeans pocket, I pulled out the list of items Jada wrote for me to retrieve and immediately began searching. I made sure I had as many things from her list as I could find before packing my bag to head out.

I was just about to leave when a certain shelf caught my attention. Setting down my bag, I walked over. My eyes widened in disbelief when I saw the signature red and white letters on each package.


Eagerly, I grabbed the first honey bun I could get my hands on and tore open the wrapper. Once it was free, I wasted no time. Holding my breath, I slipped down my breather, shoving it into my mouth and devouring half in one bite.

This definitely beats canned vegetables and potatoes. I thought as I chewed. My eyes fluttered back as the soft flakey pastry dissolved so perfectly on my tongue. With how many chemicals these things had, they still tasted perfect after sitting on a shelf for years. Shoving the other half in my mouth, I quickly pulled my breather back on, savoring it just as thoroughly before grabbing handfuls of the packaged delights to shove into my bag as well.

With a new pastry in one hand, I hoisted my overly full duffel bag up with the other, grunting as I let the weight rest on my shoulder.

Damn Jada and her heavy electronics, I mumbled, briefly slipping down my breather to take another bite out of my second honey bun. Emerging from the kicked-in corner store door into the crisp winter air, I straightened my shoulders, preparing to make the journey home.

Without warning, a loud noise ripped through the streets, startling me. I held my breath as a shrill scream echoed through the empty buildings followed by a parade of various whoops and cheers. At the sound, my blood ran cold. I knew precisely what had caused such an ear-splitting scream.

The Deviants.

Damn it, I cursed. On my way to the city I had hoped the storm's heavy rain would have kept them from wandering the streets during the day, but obviously, I was wrong.

I suppose that's what I get for using logic to predict psychopaths. I thought bitterly, casting an irritated glare at the grey clouds that continued to pelt me with cold rain.

Could today get any worse?

Looking around, I scanned the barren streets for a place to hide. I could hear the sound of voices growing louder by the second and I realized with dread that they quickly were coming closer. My heart raced as I surveyed my options. In my mind I had two; run or hide.

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