Chapter 9

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So my dad just texted me to meet him at his cabin ASAP and I have a clue why he wanted to see me the pictures of Taehyung carrying me are all over social media even on the national news and they all suspect me to be his secret girlfriend which we clearly know I am not so I can understand why my dad is tensed after all I am his daughter but the real problem is how to escape from 7 men who won't even let me move a little bit. From the time the doctor arrived to check my ankle and told me to rest these people have been taking care of me as if I were an infant, I'm not complaining about the care but I had to go meet my dad ASAP so I was thinking of a plan. I heard Taehyung's phone buzz he picked up the call "Yes Krystal......... You want me to come !? ....... And even bring Jimin along !?...... Ok then we'll be there," he said and cut the call. I guess god made an escape plan for me. Taehyung turned and walked towards me "y/n stay right here me and Jimin will be right back the others will be here to help you," he said caressing my cheek and gave me a smile and left, Jimin nodded and followed behind him and I just had the perfect plan.

"I need to use the restroom," I said and I started shuffling in my seat to get up "But you can't walk there alone you need someone to go with you," Namjoon said adjusting his glasses "Then let yoongi come with me," I said and turned towards Yoongi "no I'm too tired take someone else," he said "Ok then I will tell everyone about your secret," I said with an evil smirk on my face and his face immediately twisted into a panicked one "ok ok I'll come along," he said and I held his hand and started walking towards my dad's cabin. "Didn't you say you wanted to use the restroom!?" He asked perplexed "No my dad called me to his cabin so I had to find an excuse to go see him," I said and yoongi nodded "Come back soon cause I don't want the others to come in search of us," he said and I nodded and stepped inside. I went in to see my dad sitting in his chair when Jane was standing next to him Jane was first to see me and she gave me an 'im so sorry' look and I didn't understand anything.

Then my dad looked up to see me "Sit down y/n" he said and I did so. "I heard your ankle is hurt how does it feel now!?" He asked "It's better now thank you for asking," I said "At first you used to tell me everything that happens in your life but after coming to Korea you totally forgot about me or to share things with me I had to know you injured your ankle through Jane," he said in a sad tone and realisation hit me I really haven't spoken to him that much since I came back to Korea and it hurts to see that my actions have hurt him so much "no dad it's just that-" I was about to continue when my dad cut me off "love has blinded you I understand," he said and now I'm even more confused. "What are you talking about Dad!?" I asked.

"Jane told me everything y/n, Taehyung being your bully and how he likes you now and how you are struggling with your feelings for him but the fact that you didn't learn about Taehyung when he bullied you confuses me he hurt you and now he acts as if he is coming back and you are trusting him !? I thought that you are a wise girl," he said rubbing his temples. "Dad that's the old Taehyung now he has changed and he is nicer and who told you he likes me we are on good terms now that's all nothing else," I said but when I said nothing else my heart told me to tell him that I like him but my mind decided otherwise. My dad nodded "He may be nice now but what if he uses you and leaves you one day !? You may never know and observing Taehyung I realised work is more important to him than anything and he is careless and very stubborn and short-tempered what if he doesn't give you the love you deserve," there was a pause before he continued "And trust me if he knows who you really are he won't think about you on the good side anymore and might leave you as if you and your bond were nothing to him," he said and I was at my peak now so I stood up slamming the table.

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