Part 1

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You were cold and tired. your body felt like it was burning form the cold. There was a piece of cloth covering your eyesight. Your wrists and ankles hurt from the pain of the rope rubbing against your skin. You felt your body slowly shutting down as you try to stay awake. The only thing on your mind was your little sister, you needed to find her and make sure she was safe. You suddenly felt yet another needle go into your neck as you scream out in pain not being able to take it anymore. There were voices around your but you couldn't understand what they were saying, they were speaking in a foreign language. You've been laying on this table for forever being poked and prodded, being experimented on. You weren't allowed to talk unless if you were asked a question. The fabric on your face was never removed from your eyes, everything was always dark. It was always dark. 

You still remember the day they kidnapped you, you were only 16, you were just walking your sister home from school. 

You felt multiple needles going into you at once, your arms were hurting, whatever they were injecting you with hurt a lot. you screamed in pain as the people around you didn't care, you could feel there presence just laughing at your pain as they did experiments. an hour passes and you hear there footsteps walking away after you were given a sedative. you let sleep overcome you taking away the pain. 

you feel your wrists and ankles get cold, you move them slightly, the ropes were gone. you felt your body being picked up, someone was running with you in there arms you heard yelling in Korean, finally you could understand what was going on

??: Dr. Fink You Have 10 seconds to give it over

?: 10.... 9.... 8

You tried moving away and out of the person's grasp, but your body wouldn't move you couldn't move. you felt a large amount of weight on your chest as you were placed on another cold surface. someone was on your chest, it hurt, badly. You couldn't scream all you could do was let darkness pull you into sleep, until you hear a gun go off. it was loud, the weight left your chest. You were pulled off the ground and you heard a voice

???: Y/N It's ok, we are bringing you to a safe place

his voice was deep yet calming. he took off the blindfold and you close your eyes tightly. he picks you up and he slightly moved your head so your eyes were blocked from the bright lights. 

You fainted

You wake up, and you were able to see things, you were in a dark room. You felt warm, you were under a soft cover, on a soft surface. There were small bright lights and beeping around you. you had wires attached to you. you felt weak, you felt broken. Suddenly the door opens and a figure walks in

??: Y/N?!

she runs out leaving the door open you cover your face hiding from the bright light. several people enter the room and surround you. You hear the voice again

???: Y/N Can you hear me?

you gave a slight nod to tired to do anything else. they asked you questions, but you didn't want to answer them. You didn't know them, and it scared you. You only knew the one guy, he saved you, he took you out of the hell you were in. You only answered his questions, he was the only one asking yes or no questions.

???: Y/N Do you know where you are?

you shook your head no

?: You're at XXX Hospital 

it was a girl her voice was high and it pierced your ears, you didn't like it. you turn your head slightly so you could look at the guy that you trusted. Your eyes started to tear up as the girl kept talking

?: You have som-

???: Stop talking

he said in a quite voice, and she stopped talking, the seemed to listen to him. he seemed to be in control.

???: leave, quietly

they all left the room except him

???: Y/N my name is Namjoon, I was sent to find you, and keep you safe

his voice relaxed you

Namjoon: So if something bothers you, just give me a sign or something and I'll take care of it ok

you nod your head slightly, you began to try and sit up, but as soon as you put weight on your arms they collapse. He catches you and helps you sit up. He gives you a cup of water with a straw, he puts it up to your mouth, and you manage to take a drink from it. You felt very tired

Namjoon: You should go back to sleep

he stands up and was about to walk away, you reach out a little grabbing the edge of his shirt. he looks down at you and you shake your head no. You didn't want to be alone, you wanted him to stay. he sits down and holds your hand. The comfort of him being there kept you calm

 The comfort of him being there kept you calm

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