Rules n Warnings

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So! I'll write basically anything BUT illegal/really weird stuff. I'm fine with angst, gore, stuff like that.

Not all of the oneshots have to be romantic shippings, I'll totally just do some friend stuff too!

I'll have the sort of tags at the top of the chapter to tell what all is in that chapter.

I'm fine with basically any ships as long as they aren't illegal! X readers I have a bit of a hard time writing, meaning I may take longer to get to that. I'm also okay with x OCs! Or just OC x OC!

I also ask that you give every detail you want in the chapter! If not, I'll just add in whatever. If you're okay with whatever, then I'll do that.

I think that's all! This may be updated if I forgot something and need to add it.

Currently open for requests!

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