II | Lightbulb x Paintbrush | SFW

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Bit of blood warning! It isn't much, just a tiny bit at the start. Also human AU?? I think?

Paintbrush sat on their bed, Baxter hanging out next to them. They were reading some fantasy book that Lightbulb had given them awhile back.


Paintbrush jumped, confused. What was that sound?


The noise came again. The sound seemed to be coming from the window.

They walked over to the window, opening it. They looked down, seeing Lightbulb standing at the ground floor, staring up at the window. She had rocks in her hands.

"Paintbrush, hey!" Lightbulb yelled up to them.

"Shh!" Paintbrush hushed her. "What are you doing here?" They asked quietly.

"I wanted to come see you!" Lightbulb smiled happily, bouncing on her heels.

"How are you gonna even get up here?" Paintbrush raised an eyebrow, looking down at her.

"Oh!" Lightbulb placed the backpack she had down behind her, opening it up and digging through it. She turned back, holding a rope. "This is how!"

Paintbrush stared, it taking a moment to register. "Oh. Okay."

"Make sure to grab it when I throw it up there!" Lightbulb grabbed one end, lining it up with the window. She pulled her hand back, throwing it as hard as she could.

The rope came up, going through the window well. At least, until it hit Paintbrush in the nose.

"Augh!" Paintbrush yelled out, grabbing their nose. They could feel the thick liquid beginning to leak from their nose.

"Oh my god I hit you I'm so sorry!" Lightbulb quickly yelled out without taking a breath.

Paintbrush grabbed the rope with their empty hand, holding onto it tightly. "Climb the rope please."

Lightbulb quickly zipped the backpack, throwing it back on and climbing up the rope. She made it up quickly, having taken rock climbing lessons at one point.

Paintbrush moved over to let Lightbulb into the room. They moved their hand, seeing how bad their nose had bled.

Lightbulb gasped, quickly making her way over to them. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She dropped her backpack on the ground before running into the bathroom.

Paintbrush sighed, covering their nose back up. They quickly retrieved the rope, setting it on the ground for now.

Lightbulb came back out with toilet paper, moving their hand. They shoved some up both of their nostrils to help block the bleeding.

Paintbrush let her, smiling happily. They loved it when Lightbulb cared for them.

"Are you okay?" Lightbulb held their face, checking them for any other bruises or scrapes.

"I'm okay, don't worry." Paintbrush assured her. "You just got my nose was all."

Lightbulb hugged them, sighing in relief. "Okay. Again, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't mean to." Paintbrush hugged her back, holding her close.

A small snip sound was heard from behind them.

"Baxter!" Lightbulb ran over to the bed, picking up Baxter.

"Oh yeah. I kept him alive." Paintbrush joked, smiling.

Lightbulb lightly chuckled at the joke. "Of course you did. I knew you would do good at it." She smiled back, holding Baxter close.

Paintbrush walked over, leaning their head on Lightbulb's shoulder. "So, what do you wanna do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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