Diagon alley

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Your p.o.v
I walk around Diagon alley with awe, I've never seen so many witches and wizards! My mother leads me to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to get my robe, we left and then headed to Flourish and Blotts to get my books. She then sent me to Ollivanders to get my wand while she got the other things on the list. As I entered the shop I saw rows and rows of boxes, I looked at all the boxes. As soon as I reached the counter Ollivander was already there starring at me with those pure white eyes, I shivered and cleared my throat. I was about to speak when he said " I've been waiting for you" this creeped me out more. I nodded my head and he spoke again "let's get you a wand shall we?"I nodded my head really fast he laughed and walked down a row. I just stood there and waited looking at every little thing in the store. He returned with two boxes, he gave one and said "10.5' holly, elm and thestral hair, quick and supple. your father had this type perfect for jinxes " I took it and gave it a wave but he snatched it back saying "no not that one" he then gave me the other one saying "10 3/4", Oak and Kelpie hair, reasonably springy. Your mother got one like this one quite into charms I might add" I gave it a wave but he did the same thing shaking his head. I was getting worried what if he couldn't find my type of wand?! But he wandered off again and soon returned with a box which he held far from him looking at it scared, I asked "what's the matter with that wand?" He looked at me and gave me the wand without answering. I gave it a wave and he sighed "a match it is" he said I tilted my head waiting for the info of the wand he soon said "13 3/4 , ash and Dementors cape, flexible " I realise why he didn't like this wand it screams death I looked at it. He asked me to put it in the box which I noticed is the only box that has black velvet inside which is different from the others, I have a very unique wand. He wrapped it up and said "be carful it's the only one of its kind, no other wand since the beginning of time has had Dementors cape in it" I looked at the package with new respect and smiled, "thanks" I said and payed 8 galleons but before I left I heard him mumble "perfect for deadly curses" I left the shop pretending I didn't hear him. I found my mother outside the pet shop and smiled, I get a pet. I walked to her and she smiled "what is your wand darling?" I hesitated then said "13 3/4 , ash and Dementors cape" she flinched at the name Dementor and faked smiled "that's a unique wand honey" she said. I decided to ask "can I have a cat?" She smiled at the subject change and said "yes" I walked in. As I passed all the cages none of them caught my eye till I passed a cat with a blue eye and are green eye, the green eye side was white and the other half was black. So the cat was so special it was two colours half and half and two different coloured eyes. I picked it up and petted it, it purred loudly. I took it to the counter and asked "how much?" He flinched at the cat and said "on the house just take it!" He shoved the carrier and food and stuff needed towards me and as soon as I was packed pushed me out the door. Strange I thought as I made my way to my mother
, she also adored the cat. We left Diagon alley and made our way home. When we got home I let Jinx out of the cage (I chose to name her that since the shop owner didn't want her and her appearance) she roamed around. My school stuff was taken up stairs and waiting g for me to unwrap and pack for school. I watched Jinx and headed up stairs she followed closely, I showed her my/her room. I went to the pile of shopping and started unwrapping , I came across the wand and examined in then put it to the side. I put the books at the bottom of the trunk with my potion things, I put my clothes on top with robes laying at the very top. I turned around and looked at my wand with great pleasure, the door opened and my farther came in and sat on my bed. "So that's your wand then?" He asked I nodded he took it off me and looked at it then asked "wand info?" I chose to answer quickly "13 3/4 , ash and Dementors cape" he dropped the wand as soon as I said Dementor . I knew that would be his reaction and picked up the wand then put it back in the box neatly then placed it on the trunk. He looked a bit shaken up and stood up patted my back then left, I sighed.

*********meanwhile down stairs***********

"Lucy you do know why she got that wand right?" Asked Athleto, Lucy nodded "yes I do Athleto" he sat down with his head in his hands then said "I told you to stay away from those things while you were pregnant Lucy,why didn't you?!" Lucy sighed "I was just picking flowers when they came out of nowhere!" She responded. He got up and hugged her "it's okay Lucy she is still perfectly normal. Lucky we both were Slytherin" he says "lucky" she responds, "But more lucky both sides of the family were Slytherins aren't we?" Said Lucy.

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