short one shot + update 👯

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uh hi lmao- im still alive. um sorry i haven't been posting much. depression and anxiety is really nice aha.. chile anyways, i've gotten into the danganronpa fandom ( kinda ) and yeah- um sorry for dying. anyways enough about me, here's a short story or whatever idk.

this is angst i guess idk
if whoever reads this wants a part 2 or whateva, sure 🥶💪😈


You were currently walking Nagito home from school. It was the end of the day and you two were chatting, like normal friends. It was sunny and warm, so it was a nice day. You guys arrived at a cross walk and Nagito kept pressing on the button on the pole.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wa-" You gently pulled Nagito's hand away from the button, laughing a bit.

"Nagito, you don't have to continuously press it." You said, holding his hand for a little longer than you had intended to. He laughs and looks at the hand you were holding.

"Ah.. (Y/n), your hand is still-" You quickly looked at your hand and immediately let go, blushing a bit out of embarrassment.

"A-Ah! I'm s-sorry!" You nervously laughed, waving your hands and panicking. He just laughs it off and hums. "It's fine, (Y/n)."

You guys stood silent, until you heard footsteps on your left. You hum and look in the direction the footsteps were coming from, seeing Sayaka crash into Nagito. Nagito fell backwards and a truck hit him, sending him into the air and into a tree quite far. You jumped and started to run to where you assumed Nagito landed at.

You found Nagito sitting under a tree, picking out weird brown spiky balls from his hair ( idk what they'e called im sorry LMAO ) with scratch marks all over his face.

"Nagito! Are you okay? How bad are you hurt? Do i need to call an ambulance?" You panicked, rushing to him and kneeling in front of him, helping him take out the weird balls off his hair and throwing them into the bushes. He laughs and smiles if nothing happened.

"I'm fine, (Y/n)! Just a couple of scratches." He said, causing you to sigh. You gently placed your hands on his cheeks, moving his head around to look at the scratches. You couldn't understand how or why Nagito was so... carefree? calm?

"You're lucky I carry bandaids on me..." You sighed, sitting in front of Nagito and slipping off your bag. You open your bag and take out a small box that had various sizes of band-aids and the wiping pads. You took a wiping pad and opened it, using it to clean the scratches on Nagito's face. He winced and hissed a little, making you frown and feel bad.

"Sorry.. I have to clean the wounds to avoid infections." You said, gently patting Nagito's head and smiling a little at him. He smiled again as if nothing happened, so carefree.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for being such a nuisance.." He whispered as you put bandaids on the scratches. You huff and pout, gently hitting Nagito's across the head.

"Stop saying that! You're not a nuisance to me or anyone. You're my friend and I just care about you and your well being." You said, putting the trash in the box. You stood up and held out your hand to Nagito, offering to help him up. He smiles and takes your hand. You help him stand up and let go once he stood. You guys continued to walk home, chatting among yourselves.

Once you guys arrived to Nagito's house, you hummed to yourself.

"Nagito, do you.. like Hajime?" You slowly asked, a bit hesitant. He hums and looks at you, then looks around. He gets close to your ear.

"Yes. I love him very much, but why would he ever like a scum like me?" He whispered, backing away and smiling as if it meant nothing to him. again, so carefree.. You could feel your heart begin to ache in pain and something grow in your lungs. You slowly inhaled and forced a smile.

"Ohh, okay. I'm sure he likes you back! Don't give up, Nagito." You said, ruffling his hair as you walked to your house. You two were neighbors, so it wasn't a far walk.

You entered your house and immediately fell to your knees, harshly coughing. You grit your teeth and grab your throat, gripping it tightly and coughing much more. Your eyes began to water as you felt stuff coming out your mouth. It wasn't liquid, so you were unsure of what it was. After coughing up a storm, you wiped your tears away and look at the floor in front of you.

There was flower petals, specifically green tulip petals. You stared at them for a couple of seconds before paling.

"..Hanahaki disease..." You whispered to yourself. Tears becoming forming up in your eyes and quickly fell. You remembered what Nagito said before you left.

"Yes, I love him very much, but why would he ever like a scum like me?"

Those words replayed so clearly in your mind as you cried in your dark house. You began to cough again, more petals coming out.

You read a lot of fan-fiction, especially ones with hanahaki disease. You found it cool, but now that you've caught it? It just made you realize even more that, you don't have a chance with Nagito and.. will eventually die to one sided love.

After crying and coughing for an hour, you laid there on your side. Your eyes were dull and you had no expression. You stared at the dark wall and weakly smiled, laughing a bit.

"Love fucking sucks..."


sorry this sucked. anyways uh yeah. nagito slander is not allowed :)

 nagito slander is not allowed :)

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