1:Another day

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I was at the bar ordering a drink and I started a conversation with the bartender only to avoid the party I was here for. I was the maid of honor at my best friend Jacies wedding tomorrow, now yes I did plan this whole shindig but I'm, not all that big on partying or drinking for that matter. I'm 26 and I just finished my fellowship and was starting as a general surgeon at the hospital yup that right I pulled a good all Smart doctor and started my career years earlier than most people. I'm in the youngest in my group of surgeons so naturally no one listens to me. But back to the not big on drinking, while I do enjoy my fair share of tequila I don't like being hungover when I work almost every day. Even on my off days, there's a chance of being called in on the chance of getting to scrub in on a cool surgery. Anyways I can't handle all the girls screaming and drinking so here I am talking to the bartender.

Suddenly I hear someone clear their throat and I turned to see a rather large man standing next to me.

"Make a habit of befriending bartenders?" He asked.

"No I make a habit of avoiding bachelorette parties that I should actually get back to" I said as I walk away. I made it back to the girls and Jacie screams and hugs me. Again I hate drunk girls. While Jacie is opening all the funny gifts I can feel eyes on me and when I turn it's the man from the bar. I ignore it and pay attention to Jacie until it's time to leave.

I got to my car and went to unlock the door when I dropped my keys, I turned my flash light on my phone on and began to look for them when I feel someone walk up behind me. I turned to see a blonde women with glasses standing there.

"Jesus Christ you scared me" I yelled.

"My apologies, I saw you from afar looking for something do you need help?" She asked.

"No I found them thx" I said.

"No problem would hate to leave a pretty girl like you put here at this time" she laughed.

"Uh thanks" I said and then a man yelled at her.

"Baby girl we got work in the morning" and I saw it was the man from the bar.

"You're boyfriend seems to be calling for you" I said.

"Oh him he'a not my boyfriend just my best friend"she laughed.

"Well okay, I should get going" I said.

"Oh of course please be safe hun" she said and walked away.

Okay was that weird or not? The man from the bar speaks to me and then someone it's his girl who wants to help me find my keys? Weird.

* * * * *

One thing that sucked about being the maid of honor was the fact that I could possibly get called into work and that indeed I did. I ended up missing my best friends wedding because of an emergency GSW and I'm not complaining I love to cut and I love that I was the one that was on call for any surgeries that were to come in.

I walked into the ER and a nurse started to tell me the info.

"We got a GSW to the shoulder, lots of blood loss and the bullet is still in there, I guess this is the time I tell you he's an FBI Agent" the nurse said.

"Okay Page Cardio, and let's get him into the OR now" I said.

Dr. Yang met me in the OR and I filled her in on the case and we began surgery. She allowed me to do most of the work and walked me through it. Being a general surgeon did have its perks, more OR time and I got to pick my scheduled surgeries . We had gotten the bullet out and cleaned up the damage done. All in all the agent would be fine and he could go back to the field in the next month.

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