Epilogue (1/3)

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Trigger Warning: mention and implication of assault


She almost missed it –she backtracked on her ankle-heel boots as she stared at the sign, making sure that this is the right coffee shop because, hell, her feet hurt from roaming around the campus just to see him. She took a slow, deep breath, before clearing her throat, tipping her chin up, and pushing the anxiety rising in her chest. She hadn't felt that in a while, for years, in fact –that anxiety. But this was a whole new level of anxiety for her.

She entered the coffee shop, giving the LED signage above and the brushed metal and glass adornments a fleeting look before scanning the area for a familiar face. She could feel a few glances thrown her way because she was obviously not from there. Her eyes landed on a table of guys in front of their laptops who in time looked up to stare at her, but her sole attention was now on the only one who was fully concentrated on the screen in front of him.

"Damn," Darren muttered under his breath and nodded to the head-turner who just entered the shop. "Looks like she's not from here."

His friend looked up, too. "Clearly," Inigo smirked. "10 bucks –she's from NYU."

"I'd say Carnegie Mellon," Darren shook his head, retrieving his wallet.

"Prepare to lose, boys. She's probably not a student but a performer in Broadway," Russel joined in, eyes running over the girl.

"What's your bet, Ken?" Inigo asked.

"Huh, what?" he asked distractedly, brows still furrowed. He looked up an followed their line of sight directed behind him.

He froze as he locked eyes with her, slowly taking in the growing length of her hair from her short bob, her straight bangs, perfect winged-eyeliner and cherry-red lips, and the chic outfit she was donned in. He could only swallow –it had been too long.

"Parsons School of Design," he said, still staring at her.

"I didn't think of that..." Darren mused.

"Damn, is she single?" Russel was asking.

Ken San Jose's eyes were still on hers, overwhelmed at her presence, and by the realization of how much he missed her.

"Yes," he replied to his friend's query, as he watched Bailey Sok reluctantly made her way to him.

"Who's she? You never mentioned anyone from Parsons," Darren asked.

Ken swallowed. "My ex-girlfriend."


To no one's suprise, Ken San Jose was accepted in MIT, but was reluctant knowing just the cost of living there. His friends never failed to encourage him, but he would rather not live forever in debt. Little did he know that Josh Beauchamp secretly paid his tuition under the guise of being their company's scholarship grant, which was entirely made up. Mrs. Beauchamp didn't even bat an eyelash at her son's generosity, and Ken accepted with gratefulness (with tears involved).

Bailey was most supportive, telling him that he will certainly be fine.

"You won't be great –" she told him one afternoon.

"Huh?" he choked, while the girl could only give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"Because you already are great. You'll be greater," she grinned.

They spent the last remaining summer months together, confident that they could make their relationship work despite the long distance. Bailey took the gap year to take a break and discover what she wanted to do, and with that year apart, they had late-night calls, surprise visits from her and with Ken going home to Milton on breaks. It was during the first Christmas that he was home that Bailey informed him of her acceptance in the well-known design school, and they marvelled at the fact that they will be closer than before and that the long distance won't be an issue anymore.

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