Chapter 2: What's Going On?

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Funneh's P.O.V

Lunar was escorting us out the door from her house strangely, she basically let Amaya and Nate stay, I think there something up. Draco and Rainbow are in the cab with me, I tell them my suspicions. Why are Amaya and Nate still at Lunar's house? " I was wondering the same thing," Draco adds. " Maybe they're having an after-party? I mean, Nate and Amaya did help host the welcome sleepover party for me and Darco, maybe there helping clean up? Whatever it is, it's none of our beeswax." Rainbow commented. " Well, Amaya is Funnehs friend, and Lunar is our sister, it is kinda our problem too, what if they're in a cult or something?!" Draco suggested. Let's just call Gold, I wanna hear what she thinks. ( Gold dialog is in italics).*Ring Ring*  Oh hey Funneh! What's up? Well, I think Amaya and Lunar are acting weird oh and NATE too. Woah Woah, Funneh, you can't just jump to conclusions like that, you have to have solid evidence. I learned that from Sherlock Homes. Wait where are you exactly, you weren't at Lunars welcome sleepover party like everyone, and do you know where Kyran is too? Well... first of all, I'm at the movies watching Sherlock homes, and Prince is with me. And second of all, I don't have even an idea where Kyrans at. He could be with his family right now. OOOOooo this surely gonna be my favorite part, go to go bye-bye. *hangs up* Well Gold wasn't much help... "But then again when is she?" Rainbow joked. Hehe, your right. Let's just focus on going back to Yandere high to get you two sorted out.

Golds P.O.V

OOOOooo ahhhhh, I hear the crowd gasp, in amazement. To be honest, I didn't really want to see this movie, but Prince asked me out soooo. Of course, I had to accept, I didn't want Prince to hate me. It's been 2 hours and the movie is not even done! But I guess if Prince is happy... Suddenly, Prince had a phone call. " Sorry Gold lemme take this call," Prince said. No problem! I respond to him. Up he went. After 5 minutes he came back. The movie so far was really boring. Prince came back with a worried face. I asked him what was wrong? " Oh, you know the call I just got... It was an emergency call. And and... I need to go...." Prince answered. It's ok! It's an emergency, I understand. "Thank you so much, now I have to I'm really sorry bye!" I watched him walk no sorry run away. Really... it wasn't ok. Prince didn't even say goodbye... Prince always just likes to run off out of nowhere after a phone call. I just came to this stupid movie for him and he leaves?! Who does that!? At this point, I'm just sad. Maybe he doesn't like me? :( I didn't even like this movie anyway. I stop out of the movie theater outraged and confused. I call a cab cause Prince was my ride here. I just wanted to go home... when I refer to "home" I mean my dorm.

Yandere-Chan P.O.V

I see my senpai walking down the hall, and on the other side, I see Amaya. I wave and give her a smile. But something catches my attention, there is a girl talking to me senpai! how dare she... I silently close my locker door e. I need to be prepared... Senpai... is mine. :) hehe... That girl will regret she ever existed... I give a smirk of evil before I headed to Amaya.

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