Chapter 3 (Confessing)

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2 years later

A few years have past and Todoroki and Nevaeh got closer together. Todoroki started to have feelings for you and you also started to have feelings for him too. You had a tough time because your mom passed away a year ago. But Todoroki was always there for you whenever you are sad or feeling upset.

*A few hours later*

Todoroki Pov:

Todoroki was, to put it simply, nervous. He paced around his room, muttering lowly under his breath. This incredible task that took a significant amount of guts and was he supposed to do that?

He dealt with an abusive father and duelled nasty villains. This should be easier than all the adversities he ever faced, right? Yet he was still unsure and thought about calling it quits.

The dual colour haired teen inhaled sharply and sat on the edge of his bed. He let his head sink into his hands as he tried to muster the courage in order to carry out this nearly impossible feat. A bright glimpse of colour caught his eyes.

"Oh right", Todoroki thought. "The flowers." The flowers he bought along with an assortment of chocolates lay on his dresser. Lifting his head up, he surveyed the items he had paid for. "I can't let them go to waste." He stood up shakily and took the gifts into his hands, clutching them tightly. Anxiety was being a bitch as usual, and his stomach decided to get a degree in acrobatics and was currently doing flips. He took a glance out of his window, and there you were. "She's here already??"

You stood at Todoroki's front door because he invited you over. This had come as a shock to everyone since nobody had ever been to his house except for Deku. The two of you were really close friends, and you could tell that something was up with him because he seemed to be distancing himself. But when he approached you a couple of days ago to ask to hang out with him, you were delighted and promptly agreed.

Ding dong.

Todoroki's eyes widened slightly at the doorbell ringing. Taking a deep and uneasy breath, he regained his composure and opened the door. Your smiling face greeted him, and his heart already started to race.

"Hi, Todoroki," you said brightly. "What's that you've got there?"

The teen was confused for a second and looked at his hands. "What do you me-?" He forgot that he was still carrying the flowers and chocolates he bought for you.

" p-presents," Todoroki managed to say. It's now or never. I can't back out of this. Don't mess up...!

You chuckled a little at his meek response, but it honestly surprised you because the Todoroki you knew didn't stutter. I've got to ask him about his recent weird behaviour, you thought and placed a hand gently on his shoulder. He visibly flinched.

You removed your hand quickly, fearing you had done something wrong. "Is everything alright, Shouto?" you questioned, tilting your head to the side. "You seem on edge.."

Do it now, Todoroki, he chided himself and looked you in the eye. "Nevaeh, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while but-"

"I knew it!" You cut him off. Todo's eyebrows furrowed. What were you talking about? "You hate me don't you!"

Todoroki choked.

"That's why you've been distancing yourself from me!" you continued. "But who could those flowers and chocolates be for..? Aha! It's Momo, isn't it? I mean I wouldn't blame you, but wow, I didn't know that she was your 'type'."

Todoroki flicked your forehead. "Ow.." you mumbled, rubbing the hurting spot. "What was that for?"

"Stop jumping to conclusions, Nevaeh," he scolded you. "They're for you. But if you don't want these, I can give them to Momo instead." He teased,

The gifts he had were for you??

"What I was going to say before you interrupted me is that...I like y-you," confessed Todoroki with a slight blush across his features.

You were astonished and honestly didn't know how to react. God, I'm such an idiot for assuming things! you screamed mentally. Now I've made a fool of myself. Your cheeks were now red with embarrassment.

He kept going. "So...I was wondering, would you be my girlfriend..?" he asked carefully, hoping not to get rejected.

It took you a few seconds to process the information. Oh my god, is he asking me out? The Todoroki Shouto, my best friend who I've liked for the longest time ever, wants me to be his girlfriend?? YES!!

An ecstatic grin broke across your face. "Of course" you answered jubilantly and pulled him into a hug. Todoroki stood stiffly for a moment, not used to the affection of any sort, but slowly returned the hug. You pulled back, and he immediately missed the warm feeling of you in his arms. Todoroki looked at you with soft eyes.

While you were hugging him, you sneaked the chocolates from his grasp and now had them in your possession. "Thanks for the chocolates!" you replied cheekily, waving the box victoriously.

Todoroki rolled his eyes but couldn't prevent the ever-growing smile he was sporting. He couldn't get enough of you. 

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