Chapter 2: Adventures

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After the after party, Harry and Taylor sneaked back into Taylor's hotel room to enjoy some time alone. 

"Thank God we escaped the paps." Harry sighed as he flopped back onto the soft bed. Taylor was humming to herself, "So, Harry, I wanted to run something by you." her sweet voice said. He smiled and gave her his full attention, "Yes, babe?"

"How would you like to go back to Nashville and meet my parents and Meredith?"

"Um, parents would be fine....but I'm a bit nervous about Meredith." he winked.

Laughing, Taylor nodded, "I mean, I know you have things to do here....but I would love it if you could meet them and see Nashville again. I know you've only been there once."

"Mhmm. It was a great city. I'd love to go back."

"So what do you think of the idea?"

"I love it." he pulled her into his arms and kissed her, "I want to know everything about where you came from."

"Well, I came from Pennsylvania....but Nashville is definitely my home." 

"So I'll go back! But you're coming back to London with me." he grinned and securely wrapped his arms around her. "Mwah." he kissed her cheek and warmly smiled, "Something else on your mind?"

She gritted her teeth, "Well, um....I have a friend who really likes Niall so if Niall could come, that would be great!" she then grinned. 

Harry rolled his eyes and laughed, "The things you do for love." he kissed her lips and gazed into her eyes, "I love you."

"I love you too." she lied back with him and turned on the flat screen, "What shall we watch on Netflix?"

"How about....Valentine's Day?" 

"Ha, you want to see me make out with my ex boyfriend?" she laughed.

Smirking, Harry shrugged, "Never mind. You know, I can't watch that ep of Law and Order you are in."

"And just why not?"

"Because I don't want to see you die."

Cheesy, but Taylor's heart completely melted. She cuddled up next to Harry and kicked off her ballet flats, "Thank you for saying that. I love you for saying that."

He chuckled and rubbed her shoulders, "I think my favorite song of yours is "All Too Well."

"Yeah? I really like that one to!" 

"Taylor, can I ask you a question?"

"Oooo, seriousness hm?" 

"What do you think about all this hate toward us?"

"Oh, ya' know....all they are is mean."

Grinning, Harry pulled her down against his chest, "That's what I like so much about you. You don't let things get to you." 

"Harreh, to be in this bizz, you can't. You just gotta deal." she half smiled then touseled his curls, "Wanna watch Breakfast At Tiffany's?"

While Taylor took a nap, after falling asleep during Breakfast At Tiffany's, Harry scrolled through Twitter on his cell phone. He read about so much hate, so much dirt, and so much disgust. Snarling, he tossed his phone to the side, and put his face in his hands. No one understand how he felt about Taylor--not the haters anyway. Telling her to die? Photo shopping a picture of him holding her over an open shark's mouth? What the hell was wrong with people? He loved her dearly. She was so sweet and he was beginning to wonder what he would do without her....which would be nothing happy.

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