Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

They were all in the waiting area, Ty was in tears as was Maddie and Lexi when a gentleman approached them.
" I'm so sorry about what happened, I should have been riding Cisco".
"Well Tim said you were unwell and couldn't Ride, that's why my Granddaughter was riding him".
"I'm sorry I dont understand, I'm perfectly healthy, I was told by someone else it was because he could pay her less than me and he wouldn't have to pay her a percentage of the $115,000 prize fund".
"WHAT, You mean she's fighting for her life because he wanted more money as usual ".
"Calm down Maddie, not in the hospital or we all get kicked out, and Amy needs us".
"Sorry Grampa, I hate him so much".
"That's our Father your talking about Maddison ".
"I don't give a toss what you think Lou, he can never do wrong according to you, go in there and see Amy then tell me he's not responsible especially when his Jockey is sat right next to you".
"I know he has his faults but
"FAULTS, is that what you call it Lou, because I have much better words than that, iresponsible, Greedy, selfish, doesn't care who he hurts or gets Killed, loves his Daughter's only for what he can get out of them whether they get hurt or not, does that sum it up for you Lou, I should never have allowed Him back into their lives, that's on me".
"I'm not going to sit here while you slag him off". Lexi couldn't hold herself back any longer.
" Well I hate him, he never acknowledged my Birthday and neither did you Lou or Amy's 18th,  now look what he's done to Amy, so go home if you don't want us slagging him off".
Lou got up and walked out with Katie.
Maddie looked at Lexi. "Well said sweetheart ".

"Amy Fleming "The Doctor called.
Jack put his arm up and everyone followed.
"My name is Doctor Johnson and I will be dealing with Miss Fleming's injuries.
Now the first thing I want to talk about is why Amy can't breathe for herself, I'm not the sort of doctor to give false hope so I do not sugar coat things, are you all okay with that ".
Jack looked at them all and all nodded.
"Yes that's fine Doctor, we would rather have the Truth ".
"Okay the reason Amy can't breath is due to the kick she received from the Horse, where he connected are a bunch of nerves, Tendons and ligaments and Muscles, now the muscles are swollen and crushing the nerves which supply different parts of the body, one of those is the one that tells you to breath. We've given her drugs to bring the swelling down so she can hopefully breath for herself, but these things take time so for now she'll be on Life support ".
"Well theres hope then".
"Well , this I'm afraid brings me to her more serious injury ".
"What, theres more".
"I'm afraid so Mr Bartlett, and I have to tell you all now that only about 30% survive this injury and can be left with problems".
"Is this that serious ".
"Yes, Normally its Fatal, but Amy has survived so far".
"You keep saying all this but you haven't said what it is, so what is it she's suffered that could of been fatal".
"Mr Bartlett, I dont think you understand how serious this is, I said its normally Fatal but Amy has survived so far, it could still kill her mr Bartlett ".
"FOR GOD SAKE MAN, tell us what IT is please ".
"Amy has suffered what is called an Internal Decapitation, her skull has been severed from her Spine, and I will be operating this afternoon to try and reattach the two back together, you see the part where the spine attaches is just Bone so I will use titanium screws to reattach it to her skull where it should be, then we will do a new MRI scan to check nerves, cartilage and Tendons".
"Okay and will she get better ".
"For now let's pray she survives the Operation".



"Hey Ty, dinnertime, if you'd like a bit of it".
"Okay Lexi on my way"
Maddie had told Jack and Lexi not to bring up Ty's Birthday or visiting Amy as he was feeling down, even after Four years he still loved her, that's how close they were, he wished she was here with them right now.

The following morning he was getting himself ready, even had a shave although she wouldn't see it, Ty set off on his way.
When he was there he sat down and started to talk to her, how much he loved her and missed her and that he couldn't move on even though the family had tried to convince him that he couldn't put his life on hold as the Doctors had told them she may never wake up.
"You know Amy Its my Birthday today and I've never done this before but people say your supposed to get one wish, so for the first time in my life I'm going to make a wish.
Marion, if you can hear me please help me Marion, I can't carry on like this I need Amy back, I know its a tall order Marion but please help me", Tý lent forward and picked up Amy's Hand again and held it, she was so beautiful, and he missed her Blue eyes .

The operation four years ago was a success, they reattached her Skull to her Spine with two very long Titanium Screws by drilling through two Vertebra and into where the Skull was supposed to be attached, the swelling went down and after four attempts she started breathing on her own again. They did an MRI and found no damage to the nerves but no one knows what damage it may of caused to her brain.
"Please give me a Birthday present Amy, I love you, I was going to propose to you on your 19th Birthday, I was hoping we'd get married on your 21st Birthday.
We could still have that Amy if you'd wake up please, help me Marion please". Ty held her hand and cried, putting his head on the bed.
This is why he'd only been once a year for the last 3 yrs because that first year was so hard he couldn't carry on doing it for his own mental state.
He'd fell asleep but was woken up by something, he wasn't sure what then he felt it again, and again, Amy was squeezing his hand, he used his free hand and pressed for the nurse.
When she walked in Ty told her and she came over and saw Amy squeezing his Hand on and off.
"I'll get Doctor Johnson ".

To be continued

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