Chocolate Brownie

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You looked at your phone in disbelief the next morning.

There were over ten text messages from Oikawa and you think to yourself was it really worth letting him have your number.

You decided to fully wake up before reading his messages so you did your business in the bathroom and put on your school uniform. When you sat down to eat breakfast, that was when you pulled out your phone to read what Oikawa had to say.

It started off as good morning messages and hoping that you have a great day. Then he asked if you could come to one of his practice games against Karasuno. You messaged back then and told him that you had some obligations at the bakery but you could try to see if you could make it.

Immediately after you sent the text you got another string text of emojis and a 'I hope to see you there!' message.

You shook your head at his antics and left your home towards the bakery.

When you got there it was bustling with customers as it usually was. You immediately went to the back and put on your apron after washing your hands. There was freshly baked bread in the oven that you helped take out and put it on a tray to take to the front.

Some of the customers greeted you warmly as you shared the same greetings back. You cleared up any tables of trash and helped packing orders at the front.

When you went to the back once again, one of your bosses showed you how to properly make a few pastries that are now in season. You give your undivided attention and make sure to take mental notes on how your boss made the pastry.

"And when you get back from school later I'll have you do it by hand," they said brightly.

You were excited to learn but then your mind went back to Oikawa's messages and you deflated a bit.

"Oh, I was actually invited to go see a practice match by a friend, but I can always tell them--"

"Nope. You should go!" Your boss sternly stated.

Your mouth went agape, "But the pastry! I would love to learn how to do it!"

A hand was placed firmly on your shoulder, "I can always have you make it tomorrow. But you should go, was it the gentleman from the other day?"

"Y-Yeah it was," You said, suddenly nervous.

Your boss chuckled and placed their hands on their hips, "I like him! You should go and get to know him!"

The nod you gave was slow and full of hesitation but the smile your boss gave was reassuring.

"But you should get going, it's almost time for school," they said as they took a glance at the clock.

You gathered your things and headed out of the bakery. The entire way to school you grumbled to yourself at your misfortune but overall you were kind of excited that Oikawa wanted you to be at practice.

When you walked into your classroom you saw Jun at her desk and when you sat at yours you immediately told her what was going on.

Her eyes were wide with surprise that Oikawa had asked for you to be at the practice game.

"I don't think he's the type to ask anyone to see him. Usually they just show up," Jun stated.

You nodded in agreement, "Maybe he asked to get on my good side for milk bread."

"I mean it's worth trying," A sly smile was directed at you.

"You already got enough danishes."

When it was the end of the day and time to head to the gym, you were confused on where you could stand. But Jun, a casual in this part of town, led you towards the stands with the rest of the crowd. You would've been surprised by the amount of people showing up just for a practice game but it was Oikawa after all.

The other team, Karasuno, had walked in and you had to admit that some of their players were pretty cute.

The teams warmed up and were about to start but you realized that Oikawa wasn't part of the team. You grew worried as the practice game was getting started and you looked over at Jun.

"Uh, is Oikawa not coming?"

Jun patted your shoulder, "He'll be here. He has a knee injury that he usually takes care of from what I've heard."

You nodded in understanding and bit the inside of your cheek nervously.

You were impressed with the way Karasuno played as they took the second set from your school team. But suddenly cheering pierced your ears as the crowd around you witnessed Oikawa walk into the gym. You winced at the sudden increase in sound level but you watched as Oikawa scanned the crowd waving at everyone.

Though when you two locked eyes he sent you a wink.

To which you rolled your eyes at and looked away from him.

Oikawa talked to the coach for a moment and joined the team on court. You could tell the drastic difference in mood he had set. You watched in awe as he scored points back to back. Oikawa didn't look to be nervous at all as he went to serve again and before he did for the third time he looked directly at you once more.

You saw a small smile he sent your way before turning back around and waiting for the whistle.

In the end, Aoba Johsai lost the practice game but for you the admiration that you had for Oikawa came back in full force. You watched the way he was a pillar for his team and despite him acting so different off the court, he was definitely someone you would want on your team.

While the team was talking among themselves you watched from the stands as a female ran up towards Oikawa. You watched as he looked surprised but the warm smile directed towards the female made your heart drop.

She took his hands into hers and she talked animatedly to him. Oikawa's attention was solely on hers and with your gaze you felt as if you were meddling into a conversation that you should give privacy to.

Jun saw your sudden change of behavior and looked over to where Oikawa was. She put two and two together then grabbed your hand.

"Wanna go back to the bakery?"

You nodded with a sad smile, "Yeah, I was going to learn a new pastry."

"I'll be honored to taste test your pastries."

You laughed at Jun's words and followed her out of the gym.

The rest of the evening after the practice game was spent with Jun and her bosses perfecting something new to her and you forgot all about what happened between Oikawa, at least at that moment.

Melon: I literally got this fic all planned out in a day then wrote the first 5 chapters in two days. I hope you guys like it so far!

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