Chapter Seven

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Are not in these shores

crimson flowers

like the lips of my lady,

in the sound of the summer breeze

amidst fountains, and roses and lilies

does its song make the sweetest harmony.

Song that inflames, and pleases me,

may you be interrupted only by our kisses.
            Torquato Tasso

Willow's nap was disturbed by the beeping tone from her phone,she tried to ignore it and put her pillow to her ear. Then her phone started ringing, she grumble, as she tried to find where the sound was coming from. She looked at the screen with blurry dim eyes and answered the call. To her greatness surprise it was...him! on her screen, laughing with his beautiful set of good teeth. Her face looked horrified like she has just seen a ghost, she screamed, and clumsily hung up.

Rise and shine bambola, who knew your morning face would be so beautiful. He was being sarcastic, she read the text that was just sent, they were several others before it, that explained the beeping sounds earlier.

"You're the worst, why would you do that?" She added two angry face emojis. She touched her face and hair, went to the mirror to have a look, 'he is obviously lying, my face looks pallid and they're little eye bags. My hair is a mess, its already forming it's infamous curls' She felt like crying for him seeing her sleeping face. She looked at her phone, and saw a new message.

"Suitor Javier at your service, I need my lady to know I'm very keen for her hand"

"Well the lady is very offended by your reckless behavior" she added a million angry emojis.

"Can the suitor make up for his daftness?"

"In what way?" She pouted almost as if he was there to see it.

"O that I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch that cheek" Willow might not be the biggest fan of literature but when she was thirteen she read the book Romeo and Juliet and she loved it. She felt it was the most real fictional book she had ever read, unlike the happy endings most authors continuously used. She even compelled her father to take her to a play of it, he thought it was absurd that she was enthusiastic about it. She could never forget those major lines.

"O Romano, Romano wherefore art thou Romano? Deny thy father and refuse thy name or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a MacPherson." She replied, giggling. Fully dramatic, she skipped to her window, opened it and did a very theatrical pose. She was startled to actually find him actually standing outside waving to her, she blushed, it been a really romantic afternoon. First was the video call which was actually funny now she thought of it, and now he was literally down just like Romeo. Is he going to come up, or is our case reversed?. He signalled her to come, so that answered her question.

"Will be down in fifteen" she typed. For the first time in her life she was actually down in fifteen minutes. She was just too excited, she hurriedly took a shower, brush her teeth and brushed her hair to form a high pony tail. She barely applied make up, she couldn't decide what to wear because she didn't know where they might go to.

"You should let your hair free more often, you're prettier with it down" he stretched his hand to hold hers.

"I have the worst kind of hair, it tend to curl, I didn't straighten it out so I won't waste too much of your time." She looked at his hand, she didn't want to give him her hand. that would be too close.

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