Watch You as You Wake (Soft boi hours)

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Inspired by the song "The Weight" by Amber Run. Just a soft little story about Jin waking up to see Byul.


It was still dark outside when Jin woke. The sound of rain had woken him and when he glanced out the window he saw that their courtyard was gray with mist. He turned to his other side to see Byul still asleep. She was asleep on her stomach her face turned towards him, her short black hair falling over her eyes. Jin fought the urge to reach out and touch her but he didn't want to wake her. She looked so peaceful when she slept. It was really the only time she looked peaceful these days.

He sat up as quietly as he could and padded out of their bedroom. He slid their screen door shut behind him as he walked into the kitchen. He knelt on the floor by the bucket catching water from the leak in the ceiling. Money was tight this winter, tighter than it ever had been. Byul tried to hide how stressed she was from Jin, but he could see it in the way she carried herself, the way her shoulders were always tight, and the way her eyes never quite relaxed. But he didn't say anything because he knew she couldn't bear it when he thought she was weak.

What he couldn't tell her is that he never thought she was weak. She was so strong, so beautiful, the only person who made him whole. There was nothing that would make him love her less. Not even a roof that leaked or a water heater that didn't work or a lack of rice. None of that could change the fact that she was his sun and his moon and all the stars in between. But he didn't say that to her because she hated it when he was sentimental. So instead he showed her.

He showed her by making breakfast each morning, by not complaining about the roof or the water or the lack of rice. He showed her by the way he mended her clothes that were ripped and torn from her work at the station. He showed her by never complaining that though the work she did was what she loved, it often resulted in their poverty.

He showed her by doing this -

Getting up each morning before the sun so he could wake up their two beautiful children and get them ready for school so she could get an extra hour of sleep before she had to leave for work. He slipped into their children's room seeing them sound asleep. Chin-mae and Chin-sun, two beautiful twins, a boy, and a girl. They were eight years old now and Byul always joked that they took after him more than her.

They were quiet, even for eight-year-olds. They went everywhere together, refusing to be separated for even a minute. They were painfully shy, just like he was at that age. Even at that age Byul had been picking fights and saving cats from trees and telling teachers they were wrong. It was one of the many many reasons he loved her.

Mae and Sun weren't their children by birth, they had been his brother's children before his brother and his wife had been in a terrible car accident. Since then Mae and Sun had been Byul and Jin's children. It didn't matter that they hadn't given birth to them, they were theirs.

Jin walked towards Sun and shook her shoulder gently. Mae was curled up into her side, his back against the wall. Mae usually had nightmares during the night and would somehow end up in Sun's bed. Sun didn't seem to mind at all.

"Appa?" Sun said sleepily. It had taken him a long time to get used to his brother's children calling him 'appa' but now it felt more natural than anything.

"Good morning Sun-ya." He knelt down by their bed and smoothed a hand over her forehead.

"It's still dark appa." Sun said glancing out the window. Mae started stirring as his sister started to wake up.

"It is still dark, but I'm going to make rice omelet, how does that sound?" Sun nodded sleepily. "Get your brother up and brush your teeth okay?" Sun nodded again.

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