【Chapter 4】

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*𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯*

Inside the Boar Hat were four people, one a pig, one a hidden princess goddess, and the other two were demons, very normal. Meliodas was sitting at a nearby table from (Y/N) while drinking ale and looking at her as she was interacting with Elizabeth, Hawks was sleeping, and as you probably would have guessed (Y/N) and Elizabeth were talking to each other, well it was more like (Y/N) doing most of the talking as all that Elizabeth did was nod her head with her arms were propping her head up while looking at (Y/N) in love and admiration as she just gave short responses here and there, very normal.

Though (Y/N) enjoyed telling stories about her adventures she can't help but feel, what's the word, ah yes...bored. All Elizabeth did was just nod and stare at her, no other emotion was given other than that which really disappointed her since Elizabeth was the only person that even wanted to hear of her adventures, how disappointing. Letting out a subtle sigh (Y/N) gave Elizabeth a small smile,  "Hey Eli, how about you take a small nap upstairs, in my room? We have a long journey ahead of us anyway so I want you to be fully rested, okay?" Elizabeth suddenly perked up and nodded excitedly as she ran upstairs, I guess she was as bored as I was, huh?

Letting out a relieved sigh I turned around to the counter as I walked towards it and went over it as I got myself a drink and went back to Meliodas as I sat next to him.  "Man, I thought that this Elizabeth would be more calm, just like the other one, though I guess I was wrong. Though, enough of what I think, what do you think of her so far Meliodas?" Turning around to Meliodas I saw him staring at me, though once our eyes meet he stopped drinking his ale as it started to pour into his shirt. Grabbing my handkerchief that was in my pocket I put it under his chin as it started to absorb the liquid, luckily, the sudden touch that I offered snapped him out of his gaze as he peered over to me until he realized what was happening and immediately placed the cup on the table as he expressed a look of embarrassment and cleaned himself the best he could with my handkerchief.

 "Thank you (Y/N), I didn't notice that it was pouring on my shirt!" Giving (Y/N) a bright smile he again focused himself on his current task and cleaned himself faster. Stuffing the handkerchief in his pocket he turned his head to (Y/N) as he looked back at her only to see, to his eternal happiness, that Elizabeth was gone.  "(Y/N), wish to tell me where Elizabeth is at? Not that I care, it's just I need her to become our new waitress here at the tavern for then you won't be so tired every day, and then give her the Boar Hats official uniform!" Meliodas stated happily as he, out of nowhere made a revealing two-piece uniform appear, really Meliodas.

Giving a disapproving look (Y/N) got up and went to get more ale, though just as she got up Mama Hawk came to a sudden stop causing some things to fall to the floor, though all that the sudden actin caused it left (Y/N) unbothered by it and went to go get a washcloth to pick up the shards of the broken ale bottle of Meliodas.

 "What happened? Are we getting attacked! I don't want to die! Mommy!" Yelled Hawks as he began to run around the room, only to trip on a fallen chair and fall sideways. Helping Hawks out of his predicament he gave (Y/N) a small thank you as he went back to his corner.

Looking out the window (Y/N) noticed we were close to Vanya Village, oh how she missed this place. Though when she gave closer expectation she found that the river that was what gave the village their fame was all dried up, completely empty, this caused (Y/N) to frown. 'Who could have caused something like this to happen? Really, only an idiot would destroy the cause of the Vanya Ales birth.'

Meliodas took notice of (Y/N) frown as he too frowned, getting up from where he was sitting at he looked at the same window (Y/N) was looking at as he saw the townspeople trying to pull off a sword from the ground, though none succeeded. Putting a small smile on his face he turned towards (Y/N),  "Hey (Y/N)-"  "Meliodas, we need to go to Vanya Village, now." Trying to suppress a frown Meliodas nodded as he went to the door and went out.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ----- •°*"˜.•°*"˜

*𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯*

I got out of the tavern as I sat on the last step of the entrance. I knew that my hair was in my eyes casting a shadow over it but I didn't care. Everything was happening too fast, first Elizabeth fell in love with (Y/N), again. Second, (Y/N) was completely disregarding me now. Even when I groped her she didn't even seem to care and just went to help Elizabeth! I'm more important than her you know, and I've known (Y/N) longer than she has!

Really, I don't wish to kill her so soon, especially when (Y/N) would become even more suspicious and I can't have that happening, now can I? I just gotta tolerate this for a little bit longer, especially when we get the other sins back, shits gonna be hard.

Hearing the door open I quickly got up as I faced the door, though my permanent smile faltered a bit as I saw (Y/N) holding Elizabeth's hand. (Y/N) face looked excited about the new adventure, as usual, though Elizabeth's face was completely red like blood, I wish it was her real blood covering her disgusting face. Though enough about my hatred towards her, right now I should be concerned about the fact that they're both...holding hands. Be cool Meliodas, be cool. 

 "So...shall we go now, captain!" (Y/N) said in an excited voice, giving her a small smile I said,  "Sure, let's go off to found our comrades!" How fun, it cant be as bad as I think it will be, right?

(ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀʏ/ɴɪɢʜᴛ!)

(ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀʏ/ɴɪɢʜᴛ!)

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