I unpacked my clothes and set up any pictures I had. I looked at the pictures of my Friends I had met in America. I sighed and jumped on the bed looking at the picture on the wall.
I chuckled at the pictures of my brother and his friends playing around with a water hose and bowling.
I closed my eyes but the darkness soon was pushed out as the door opened. I looked and Namjoon was at the door.
"Come eat." I nodded and rolled off my bed standing up.
I walked in the kitchen with him and sat down next to him and Yoongi.
"Um I didn't know what you liked so I just guessed." Jin said. I nodded and smiled.
"It's fine I eat whatever he eats." I said and they looked at me.
"Wah she's got dimples too." Jungkook said. I looked at Namjoon and he shook his head.
"What do you expect we're siblings." I said as we started eating.
"But your not twins."
"Don't need to be twins to look alike. What y'all don't have siblings that look like y'all?" They shrugged and I got my phone out.
"Jungkook you look like your brother and sister. Jimin looks like his older brother... in the face at least. Hoseok looks like his sister. Yoongi... your brother looks like you. Jin... your and only child like Taehyung." They pouted and I put my phone up.
"Oh yeah what's your name Namjoon never told us?"
"Kim SunHee."
"My little Sunny." I glared at Namjoon.
"Eh sure." We continued eating the boys talk and played around.
"I'll get the dishes" Jin said standing up.
"I'll help." He smiled and I helped get the plates.
"You dry I'll wash." I nodded and he started scrubbing the dishes.
"You studied abroad didn't you."
"Yeah it was just high school. I missed Korea so I came back for my senior year here."
"Where did you go."
"America. I stayed in a small town with people who let me stay with them to study. A host family... I think. The towns called Randleman. It's really small and the people are... unique" he chuckled.
"You're Jungkooks age aren't you."
"Um yeah. I think he's older by two month maybe." He nodded and we were silent.
"Do you like being an idol? I've always heard it's hard." Jin scrunched his nose.
"I like it only because of the boys and our fandom makes everything better. It is hard at first of course. Your brother had some experience with rapping. But they pulled me off the streets because they thought I was handsome. I had to learn how to sing and dance." I nodded.
"I've always wanted to be an idol but it's not something my mother likes." Jin nodded.
"Right Namjoon said your mom was mad when he told her."
"Yeah... she's very strict but she loves him."
"Him? I'm sure she loves you both." I shook my head.
"She's the one that sent me to America. She's never liked me. She always looks at me as if I'm a disappointment and a burden to her. I've done everything to make her proud that I've gotten so tired I've given up a lot. I have periods were I feel like no one wants me... I was sent to America because I tried to kill myself. My father didn't want me to be alone but I was sent off anyway." I looked at my hand and continued drying. I chuckled and sniffed.
"Sorry. Um don't tell Namjoon. He's a big baby with anything bad when it comes to people he cares about."
"Don't worry but if you every need someone to talk to I'm here and I'm sure anyone else would listen. Yoongi and Hoseok both have depression even Jungkook did before he got help. Hoseok popped pills and overdosed on a bridge, Jungkook jumped off a building... he didn't get hurt much since he landed on my truck. And Yoongi set fire to his house. I pulled him out before anything bad happened."
"You're like the mom aren't you?" He nodded. We finished the dishes and he sat on the counter.
"All of us are fucked up in our own ways everyone needs someone to care for them. I just happen to be the less fucked up one."
"Do you get to talk to anyone about what's wrong."
"Sometimes. I don't like to burden them with my problems when they have there own."
"You can always talk to me. It's not like I have anything better to do." He chuckled and pet my hair.
"Get to bed you have school." I rolled my eyes and gave him a small hug. He smiled lightly and I waved.
"Night Joon. And ... others." I heard many nights and an I love you from Namjoon. I shut the door and took a shower. I put on a big hoodie and panties on. After I sat on my bed and put on a face mask.
I took the mask off and rubbed my face stretching. I laid under the blankets and looked at the pictures.
"I miss you." I whispered softly at the picture of me with a boy and a girl.

My Brothers Bestfriend {Yoongi FF}
FanfictionKim SunHee was sent to America for her high school years. Her last year she decided to come back home. Living with her now famous brother and all of his friends/band mates. What happens when she falls in love and her life in America comes back and h...