This Life of Mine

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Author's Note

So, I don't know if I mentioned this, but this story kind of takes place outside of the actual AOT storyline. Not entirely, but I do realize that two months after Eren joined the scouts, a lot of people would be dead. I also know that a plot point of this chapter is not what happens in the show. I wanted this story to be mostly trauma-free, so I am willfully ignoring those facts.

Fair warning, this is a longer chapter. I wanted to end on ten chapters, but I also didn't want to rush the ending. Hope you guys enjoy!


(Y/N)'s POV

For a moment, the table is quiet, everyone just looking from me to the ring and back again. I am about to start explaining when Hange grabs my hand and yanks it to their face.

Inspecting it closely, Hange asks, "Why isn't there a main stone? Just not your taste?"

I shake my head pulling my hand back. "It's not an engagement ring, guys, we've only been together for like two months. It's like a promise ring or a couple's ring. It just shows our commitment to each other. Levi has a matching one."

"I was gonna say," Nanaba says with a nervous chuckle, "seemed a bit fast to get engaged."

"I mean, I don't see myself with anyone else, ever, but neither Levi nor I see a point in getting married. I am his, and he is mine, for however long we have. We don't need to get married to prove that." I say, defending our commitment.

"Yeah, yeah, you're so in love. Blah, blah, blah. Now, what did you do yesterday? Come on, I need details!" Nanaba says, shaking my shoulder playfully. I roll my eyes at Nanaba. She's a supportive friend, but I can tell she doesn't understand what Levi and I have.

I tell the whole table about our day in that meadow, making sure to keep some of it private. As much as I love all of them, that day felt too special to share with everybody else. I tell them about the dress he bought me, the breakfast he has made, and how he gave me the ring. I smile to myself, thinking about the parts I would never tell them. The way he looked as he drew me. The conversation we had about his self-worth. Our night together.

As I finish my story, everyone is staring at me. I shift uncomfortably in my seat, not sure what to say. Finally, Moblit, who has been quiet this whole time, smiles at me and asks, "So you are happy? He makes you really, truly, happy?"

I feel my eyes prickle with tears, just a bit. That boy is too precious for this world. I give him a small, lopsided smile. "Yeah, I'm happy. But it's not that he makes me happy. I wasn't miserable and incomplete without him. I think we are just..." I pause, thinking of the right words, "We're just, happy together. There's this whole other side to him that you guys don't see. I know we don't seem like a great match at first, but just trust me."

Moblit gives me a heartfelt smile. "I don't have to trust you; I can see it on your faces when you are together."

"Speaking of being together, where's shorty now?" Hange asks, looking around the room.

"He had to get up early and deal with something Erwin needed. Not sure what actually, Levi just said it was important," I say, shrugging. I hated not being able to spend time with him, but this was nothing new. Levi is always busy during the day.

"Ah yeah, Erwin said he needed to talk to Levi yesterday. Why didn't he go see Levi last night if it was so important?" Hange asks.

"Uhhh..." I widen my eyes and look off to the side, my face heating up. "He was busy last night."


I don't bother looking for Levi today. I knew he'd be busy all day and if he got done, he'd come find me. I just go through the motions of completing my duties for the day and then head back to Levi's room. He isn't in his room, but there is a light coming out from under his office door, so I knock.

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