Chapter 10

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You hear shuffling around you but don't care to look. You are in a trance, captivated by the emotions that your brother's face presents to you; shock; confusion; loss. Only when a voice trickles through the air from the door do you fumble out of the warping throughts in your empty mind, "we will leave you to catch up".

You blink at them and Doyeong nods before conveying his simple thanks. You return your gaze from the door after it shuts. But before your eyes land upon their destination you are distracted by a face behind him.

Mireu is standing there, his eyes still glistening with countless emotions and, for a moment, you are distracted from your inconceivable reality.

"You called him grandfather," you say in a confused statement and your eyes widden as you see them both nod.

"Doyeong you had a kid? When? Where?" You gape at him, not allowing him to answer before you once again look to Mireu, "no wonder you looked familiar". He features are so similar to your brother's, when he was young of course; how you remember him, and you wonder how you had not realised this earlier.

Your head moves down as your eyes trail to your hands, the ones entwined with your brother's and you whisper, "what has happened while I have been gone?" As you speek you gain a pleeding look, one that begs Doyeong to tell you everything. And he does. All about himself and his wife, their child as well as her soulmate and child; Mireu.

The boy smiles whenever he is addressed, kind words and a thankful smile parting from his lips. He knows what your disappearance did to your family; how much his grandparents, and great grandparents missed you.

When he first suspected that you were you he thought he was crazy, that it was impossible. But he had a feeling that he couldn't fault, and your name, your looks; he remembered the stories that his grandfather would tell him about you, holding your photo in his lap as he addressed the young Mireu. It had to be you, he knew it, and he was ever so glad that it was.

Upon hearing of your brother's age you panic, worrying about your parents. However you are quickly reassured that both are alive and well; off living peacefully in the countryside. They hadn't been told yet, not about you. Doyeong wanted to confirm his grandson's belief before he told anyone, even his wife, and especially your parents. And luckily he said he would handle it, arrange for your reunion.

Before you can get into the details of your apartment and your strange day, your stomach rumbles. Mireu kindly offers to fetch refreshments after realising how hungry you must be, and in the time he is gone you are able to explain the details about your disappearance and ensuing day.

Your heart accelerates and you just begin to talk about the truth behind your hand injury when the door opens, Mireu swiftly entering, before it is once again closed.

At first all you see is the food, your heart pounding fast with excitement, before you realise the emotions of his face. He is staring at you with uncertain eyes, his feet moving with hesitancy as he trecks forward.

He places the bags of food and the drinks down before he gulps and his uncertainty transforms in to an unreadable emotion. The air seems stagnant with the moment of silence, and the speed of your heart confuses you.

And then, in a single fading moment he speeks, words that make the past events of this ridiculous day seem as normal as can be, "your soulmates might be outside".

He almost hits himself. He didn't mean to be so blunt; when he told the hopeful men outside that he would break the news he had planned to be gentle. Instead it fells like he threw it in your face. What if he was wrong, what if they all were. He didn't want to give you false hope, but that is what he had just done.

"Mireu," Doyeong speeks having seen the hope spread unhindered upon your features, how it took route in your eyes and sparkeled like a distant star in an otherwise empty galaxy. "Are you sure?"

He once again gulps, a small shrug of his shoulders as he hopes to explain himself; to do so without causing you to break, "well, they said the soul investigators called them because they are a possible match for Eunha," he looks to you softly, "it is a posibility, but I don't know for sure".

His words don't stop, don't even slow the thumping of your heart; the blood pumping feelings of excitement and hope and desire all through your system.

You can't explain it, but you think they are outside; your soulmates are outside. For a while, since just after Mireu left the room, unspeakable feelings have been budding in your chest, and right now, as these people wait outside that door, it feels as if they are about to blossom. Blossom into fields of unkept beauty within your soul.

"Let me meet them," you say, determination fuelling your words.

Doyeong nods to Mireu, and in turn Mireu moves to open the door. You stand as he does, clutching your hands into balls of anticipation as he grips the handle. When it opens, the rays of golden light from the hall falling in to the small office, you tilt your head in confusion and your fists twitch out into open palms.

Countless coloured flowers of untold form sprout, covering the empty passages of your mind as you stager slowly; your senses overwhelmed by the sight, the scentes, the chaotic choir of concording sounds, and the tingle of your marks that, like those flowers, is booming in recognition of your destiny.

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