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*triggering content*

diamond sat on her hardwood floor, slowly rocking back and forth, supermodel by sza playing in the background.

she hummed the melody,closing her eyes as she picked up the blade next to her,her hand slightly shaking from the meds she just took. "I just want out.." the blade dropped from her hand and multiple tears dropped from her face onto her wrist, causing blood to drop to the floor.

her vision started to blur and she collapsed onto the cold floor.

"that's how I ended up a place I never expected to be.. but at the same time I'm also here because genuinely nobody bothered to check on me. I sat in my room in my little apartment crying everyday. I haven't been anywhere in 6 months, I only left out to get food or for essential things like groceries. nobody ever questioned why I never came out the house.. they kinda just assumed it was a phase." Diamond was the last to explain how she got into the psych ward. Everyone was listening closely and carefully, being that she was the youngest one, she was also the most fragile.

"You know Diamond we're gonna place you in a better position now that you're here.. and we're gonna make you feel wanted. No matter how long it takes" One of the younger nurses spoke up, giving Diamond a very warming hug that made her smile from ear to ear.

"Thank you Megan."Diamond said in a quiet tone hugging one of her favorite nurses back.

Out of all the people there was one specific person that had their eyes on Diamond and wouldn't let the eye contact against her go.. currently to Diamond he was around 6'2, always had his hair braided into plaits and wore a skull cap on his head which pushed some of plaits down infront of his face. Surprisingly he was even more quiet than she was.

He never really talked unless spoken to, and when he did speak it came out to her as very sophisticated and proper. He also had a nice soul that intrigued her. She seemed everything like him, just a little less in every category... and that's what she liked about him.

"Hey Diamond.."Diamond looked up and to her surprise it was him.. his name was Sevyn by the way. Diamond smiled and got up giving him a quick hug. "I'm surprised you know my name Sevyn, you know being that you don't talk much"She tucked her hands into her pockets, chewing on her bottom lip out of nervousness.

"Yea I don't but I really listen to everything. Couldn't resist hearing a wonderful name like yours.. Megan told me I should come over and talk to you, so I built up the courage to actually speak this time so I wouldn't scare you off." He smiled at her causing her to blush lightly from his words.

"Well it's actually nice to hear your voice a lot more clear you know. Not just lowly and barely audible"They both chuckled at her comment and he adjusted his skull cap.

"Yea but enough of that, you wanna eat lunch together? I heard they have our favorite today, bacon pizza and wings."He hoped for a yes from her and she fiddled with her fingers thinking for a while.

"Yea of course id love to, I heard they're supposed to have extras too you know I can't resist"She held her hand and smiled letting Sevyn grab it as they headed down to the dining hall, a smile on the both of their faces.

Well that's how these two met.. and this isn't the beginning this was just leading up to whatever may happen.. this is Bundle of Stars.

-𝐊𝐚𝐚𝐲 🍭

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