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I made my way back to the room my friends and I had been sleeping last night. I don’t what the others thought of it but it was the best room I had ever stayed in at in my whole life. We each had our very own bed and I had never had a better night’s sleep ever. Before I met Elsa earlier, I went to check on Altivo and he loved the stables he was living in and he loved all the water, hay and apples he was given for breakfast.

            I opened the door and went into the room. Tulio and Chel were up and dressed.

            “Had a good explore, have you?” asked Tulio.

            “Yes, this castle’s amazing,” I replied.

            “Good,” said Tulio. “Well, since you’ve had a good look around and we’re up, we’ll get the horse and be on our way back to Spain.”

            I gulped. “Um, Tulio...”

            “What, Miguel?” asked Tulio.

            “Why are we even going back to Spain?” I asked.

            “What kind of question is that?” asked Tulio. “It’s our home!”

            And I reminded him about how we were never going to be kings of Spain since we gave up all of the El Dorado gold. And I told him about how I felt that how El Dorado and Arendelle have treated us much better than our whole lives in Spain.

            “Miguel, ever since we came to this island,” said Tulio, “we’ve met trolls, goblins and sorcery and all kinds of monsters! This place is dangerous!”

            “Not anymore,” I protested. “Well, definitely less dangerous now. Thanks to us.”

            “Is that what Elsa told you?” Tulio demanded.

            “Yes,” I replied. “And, what’s more, is that she asked me to give you this message.”

            Chel took the message and read it.

            “This is a real message from the queen,” she said. “And she insists she stays here until she says otherwise.”

            “Oh, great!” moaned Tulio, as he dropped back onto his bed. Then he stood up with a more positive look on his face. “Don’t worry, I figured it out. As we make our way to see Elsa, I’ll say we need to change into something more appropriate than what we’re wearing now. Then we sneak into a room with a window, then we climb out of the window, run away to our raft and we’ll be away from this island for good.” 

            “Not forgetting the horse?” added Chel.

            “No, not forgetting the horse,” Tulio said.

            “Unless he wants to stay,” I said.

            “What are you talking about?” asked Tulio. “You really don’t want to stay here, do you?”

            “I’m just saying we should give this place a chance,” I said. “Who knows? Elsa might reward us. Tulio, she might make you her royal treasurer. And, Chel, I don’t what you want to do, but I’m sure – ”

            “Miguel!” snapped Tulio. “Use the little voice. What is it saying?”

            “It’s saying Elsa and Anna making me feel like a hero,” I said. “Which is more than you two have ever done.” Those words were exactly what the little voice was saying.

Scandinavian Goblin Rebellion (Road to El Dorado + Frozen crossover)Where stories live. Discover now