Chapter 7

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'April, maybe you should drop this dance thing.' her mother's words echoed around in April's head the next day, nagging at her. She tried to shut them out, and never let them in again. Like she was planning to do with her mother. But, as always, this was merely a failed attempt.

"Miss April!" Ruby (the student who April had dropped from the dance team but who still came to help) screamed as April wobbled on the chair she was balancing on.

April snapped out of her daydream and regained her balance, letting out a breath. She raised one leg on the top, balancing on her other leg as she hung up the last Halloween decoration on the studio wall. Her thoughts drifted to her mother again. (Or, rather, her mother's words.)

This time there was nobody who warned her before she slipped, falling down the several chairs stacked on top of each other.

April shielded her eyes with her hands as she fell, crashing to the floor in a heap.

"Miss April? Miss April!"

"Oh no - she's unconscious!"

"No, she's not." Ruby gasped. "Look! Her eyes are opening!"

April shifted and fidgeted until she finally managed to sit up. The most part of her felt fine, but was that pain in her ankle?

"I'm fine." April managed, in an unlikely raspy tone. But Ms Barb still supported her shoulders as April stood up carefully...only to collapse again.

April knew she was terrible at hiding pain, and was dreading the moment where everything burst out. The words just wanted to escape. When the moment came and April couldn't hold her words in for any longer, they just rolled off her tongue and slipped out.

"I...I think I sprained my ankle."

But as soon as she uttered those words, she regretted them. She didn't want anyone to know that she was injured. She would have to stop dancing!

"But don't worry. I'm ok. At least for now." April added quickly. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But Miss Barb, obviously, overreacted.

"I'm calling the hospital! April! Can you stand? Can you sit?...Can you dance?"

Miss Barb whispered the last words. They seemed to take forever to finish.

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