Chapter 1

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This is my first time with anything regarding fantasy, so please read and tell me what you think!

Don't stop reading based on the first few chapters because I promise it will get better just stick with it!


"Mmmhh" I hummed, gazing out over the forest. This is my forest. Where I go to relax and think. Where the winds sways the trees in such a way that soft lullabies are produced from the sound. Where the sun shines bright and golden casting a blanket of warmth over the woods. Where everything vibrates with life, and power. Where the tree's were greener and the water bluer. I love it here with a deep passion. I sighed taking it all in, and looking down at my reflection in the water. 

My names is Sky Williams

I'm a shifter.

And a rogue.

I live with my 2 older brothers, Luke, who's 25 and Andy, who's 18. I'm the baby, being 16. We've been living in Maine for a year now, the longest we've ever stayed in one place.

Usually we move every month or so, just to make sure no pack tries to recruit us.

Packs tend to see rogues as a threat, and we don't want any trouble.

But we'll be moving soon, in the next few days actually. And I'll leave the only place I feel completely myself. Where I can shift and roam happily in my wolf form.

But I'll be fine as long as I'm with my family. The three of us depend, and support each other. We're closer then most siblings, being that we have been on our own for 10 years. I don't remember my parents. Only little flashes here and there. Like the smell of my moms perfume, and my dad's laugh.

When I was 6 my pack was attacked. My family ran, but my parents didn't make it. Luke is the closest thing to a father I've ever had. But it's ok, the way I see it, you can't miss someone you don't even remember.

I sigh and stand up, stretching my legs and arms before running with unhuman speed into the forest, the wind pushing into my face and pulling my hair out in all directions.  Running is the most calming thing in the world to me. I sing to myself quietly while running in all directions without a destination in mind.

I continue running, and stop once I hear the crunch of twigs coming from somewhere behind the trees. I stop, and freeze. Without thinking I crouch down prepared to jump on anything that reveals itself. I sniff around and the most amazing smell overtakes me. It smells so sweet and refreshing I'm captivated instantly, unable to put it into words. It makes my mouth water and my brain go dizzy with desire. My wolf goes crazy, pushing, trying to forces its way out. But I push it back and follow the smell.

Suddenly something lunges at me, it happens in a blur and in a second I'm pinned underneath someone, but I don't get a chance to look at him because I push him off of me almost instantly, sending him back a few yards. I jump up, crouching, waiting to attack. I look at the guy, and my throat goes tight. He stands there, staring at me intently with dazeling emerald green eyes, and bronze, shaggy hair. His skin is creamy, and smooth. He looks around my age, if not a year older. I know without thinking he is a vampire.

I also know he is what smells so amazing.

And I know he's my mate.

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