A Familair Boy with a Not so Familiar Name

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Jessie's arm was throbbing. Painfully. The day was already half over. They'd finished with the classes they hadn't had yet and now had a two and a half hour break before the ones from yesterday showed up. Jessie was currently feeding Dusty and as she tried to lift the pail to take it into the stall the throbbing in her arm increased. Stupid horse. This morning before classes had started she had come down to take a look at some the other horses available in the barn. Ian was all for it, but forgot to mention to her that their new racer, was a biter. And she learned the hard way.

During the second half of her lunch break she found herself sitting in Deans office asking a teensy favour from him.
"You want a cow?" He questioned her confused. He licked his lip nervously," may I ask why you need a cow?"

"It would actually be several, at least five. I need them for cattle penning and bovines are very immersed in the western lifestyle. Oh maybe you could get me some goats too?" She paused and looked at him sweetly want this so bad.

"Okay, I understand you need for cows and I do believe we can find somewhere to put them. But goats too? Why would you need at goat?" He seem frustrated with her demands, and she did feel bad for him, but when she had signed on she had told him that she wanted them met.

"I wish to teach all aspects of rodeo, dis-including rough stock of course. And one event happens to be goat tying so I will needs goats. I could go and buy them myself if you gave me a budget so that I can get the ones I need."

The look on his face was priceless it looked as if he was just barely restraint himself from yelling at Jessie. He a sigh he granted his consent to his wishes. She stayed in his office a little while longer deciding where the goat pen and cows were to be kept, then on toward letting there be a free for all letting the students in to see them whenever.

She now walked back to the barn with a skip in her step. Now that Jessie had the tools she would now need, she knew that her job could be done efficiently. She planned to have a rodeo with the students in her class and planned to make it available to view by the rest of the student body. But for that more horses were a necessity.

Once reaching the barn she waltzed in and was surprised to see the first class from there day before already there. Jessie dropped her gaze to her wrist to check the time and found their class to not start for at least 2 more minutes. She watched them watch her for few moments before they all looked away.

Jessie had planned on working with Dusty for the rest of the day while Ian taught, because she wasn't useful to him standing around, like she had been. She slowly walked into the tack room pulled her saddle bridle and blankets into her arms then headed out to the stall. Unbelievable as it may seem, western saddles are quite a bit heavier than English ones. But as she watched the group of boys standing there watching her struggle for a bit finding them looking quite confused at her struggle. And as she reached Dusty's stall walking past them, she dumped the gear on the ground. She reached into the collective brush tray and pulled a stiff bristle brush out and walked into the stall. The mare whined then rubbed up against her as she entered the stall.giggling she petted the horses face before brushing her down effectively. Walking back out of the stall she put the brush back in the tray and grabbed the blankets off the floor. Jessie laid the pad on the mare's back and pulled it into its place, then swung the blanket on top to cover it. Going back to get the saddle, she found several of the boys over by her stall watching her tack up. Lifting it she returned back to the stall and stood by the mares left shoulder facing toward her rear. She slowly breathed out then swung the saddle up on to the horse while simultaneously calling to it "woah" to keep her calm. Jessie grabbed the blankets in between the tree of the saddle and lifted them upward and shifting the saddle back and forth cause it to tent in the gap of the saddle. Turning she found several of the boys now leaning on the door of her stall. One slowly raised his hand, she surprised at his actions she spoke,"yes?"

He then pointed toward the horse, "why'd you do that. With the... Blanket?" He turned his eyes toward her questioning.

She smiled," what's your name?" Telling her it was Clarence she continued," Well Clarence, I did that so that while I ride Dusty here, there will be some air flow between her and the saddle, making it more comfortable for her to ride for longer periods."

His eyes widened at her precise answer. Jessie believed he was expecting a stupid answer that mocked him to come out of his mouth. He the nodded in understanding. She turned back to the horse and cinched her up. Then put the bridle on.
Jessie turned back and opened the stall door and the boys backed up. Leading her out of the stall she walked outside to the arena. Once in the arena she was about to get on when she heard someone calling.

"Wait Miss...... Um don't you need a stool?" She smiled and turned to face the boys to see that the one who had spoke was the nervous one from the day before.

"You can call me Jessie. And no western saddles are built to be able to get on easily from the ground because they are built for convenience." Placing her left foot in the stirrup one hand hold the reins and the horn while reach the other up and over to the pommel on the opposite side. She hopped a few times then jumped into the saddle making sure not to pull because it would pull the saddle off.

She wiggled setting her self into the saddle the arranged her feet before nudging Dusty forward with her heels. Walking the horse for a few laps before trotting the next few. Glancing at her watch she saw that the boys were late. After Jessie announced this fact the all exchanged worried glances then sprinted away. Smiling she got down from her horse, and started to set up the barrels.

Jessie turned to walk ack to her horse then gasped when she saw someone already there petting Dusty. He glanced and and Jessie was held captive by his blue eyes. He turned looking back at the horse," she's is a beautiful mare."

His gaze returned to her and she nodded slowly,"what is your name?"

He smiled and her knees gave a little tremor ,"Dallas. Dallas Carter." He reached his hand out,"and you?"

"Oh, right. Jessie Biggart." The shook hands, his hand was warm and almost dwarfed hers.

Pulling away Jessie looked at him questioningly. "Aren't you supposed to been in Mr.Glenworths class?"

"I guess." His voice held no emotion. He lifted his gaze off the horse and returned it to her face. "If you want me gone so bad you could just say it."

"Oh no! I just....um.... I just don't want you to get in trouble." Halfway through her embarrassing moment she looked at the ground rubbing her face. She glanced up from under eyelashes to see him smirking.

"Good because I would hate to be sent away from you." He turned and began to walk away only stopping to pat Dusty's neck affectionately.

The rest of the day passed without anymore surprises. And for that Jessie was grateful, how was she to act if she saw Dallas again?

The week passed much the same boys coming to watch her work with her horses and her being alone. Dallas didn't approach her again, but she saw him often watching from the sidelines, hidden in the shadows.

Near the end of the the week she dreamt again but the nightmares of the past were no longer existent because a certain blue-eyed beauty filled her mind.

CHAPTER 3!! Oh man I think I need to take a break. So as you can see Mason Dye is our Dallas Carter. And the girl inside the media box is Jessie.
If you guys are all wondering why Jessie seems to be having issues talking to this guy even though she "might have" had a previous relationship (green eyed boy). It is because that was a long time ago :)

* I apologize for all the eye references, but I love looking at guys eyes. Be grateful I'm not ranting about how he smells ( for now) or his hair. BLONDE!
Lol can't wait to write the next chapter hope you guys enjoyed it.

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