A butterflies sins

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Numbing cold pain, it was a constant burn that stung his skin like an unforgiving wasp, burning throughout pulsing veins in the entirety of his child sized frame.

As if an old rotting marionette who's strings had been dropped one by one with the intention of damaging each and every existing crack within the wood.

The previous day was now a haze within a cloudy mind, his name he couldn't remember, let alone anything. Then it hit him. All at once, one tidal wave that wiped the desolate city out of his head and cleaned him out.

The first thing that could be thought, spoken, heard, was a scream. Harsh and hopeless, a dying scream that demanded help from the one he knew had to come, he had to come.

He always came for him. After a nightmare he would come, bring slender arms underneath his spine and lift him whilst in turn seating himself on the plush sheets of a royals bed. Scoop him like the child he was into his lap, laying him down but supporting his body with a single hand that cupped his head. But he wouldn't leave, not even when the boy had drifted back into a lifeless sleep, instead he would stay, stay to scare away the thoughts that tried to break past his fragile masters mind and infest it with growing thoughts, eating away at it until his demise.

"Your highness. Please relax. The injuries are lethal, if you move too harshly you'll tear the stitching. I highly advise you to keep still, "  a familiar voice whispered from above him. He'd came.
"Claude..you came...for me. You really came.., "  he cried out to his butler, he wanted nothing more than to move and look at Claude. See amber eyes staring through the rims of polished glasses straight at his own icy blue orbs, his unnaturally pale and almost grey skin tainted with the illusion of warmth.
"Your highness.., "  He whispered, barely audible to the pleading boy.

Kneeling down by the side of the bed,
" Your highness of course I came. "  his voice was now emotionless. Dead. But demons were never alive in the first place.

Tangled strands of platinum hair scattered along the sheets from the teenagers unwarranted distress, trying with all of his strength to lift up his unnaturally skinny body. He showed each and every rib, hips prominent and defined over his waist, legs like sticks yet shaped perfectly with not a single hair over his spotless body. Yet this pure look was all a facade to those who knew his story. Jim Macken.

"Claude...hold me..hold me in your arms. Now! " he cried out like a helpless child, murmuring small unfathomable words to himself in harsh spits.
"Your highness that isn't a wise choi-"
"I don't care! Pick me up and care for me! That's an- an order! "  It shouldn't have to be an order the boy thought aimlessly about this, how his words weren't followed until an order was given.
"Your highness..., "  he yet again mumbled those words in a plain tone that spoke nothing but it's boredom. A demon slowly becoming bored with his toy. Instead of obeying the orders given to him, the stoic look on the auburn eyed male changed to one of hunger.

It all happened so suddenly.

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