Chapter 11

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Osama's PoV
"So they got a three month's suspension.." Aryan trails off as he slams his Digital Electronics book shut.
"All of them? .. That's good. That should teach them a lesson" I nod as I zip up my bag and remove my phone from my pocket.
I was in Aryan's house studying when he mentioned that the rich brats from the previous day were suspended for a good three months.
"Hmm all... except Naina.." he remarked.
I look up from my phone at him.
"Well her father spoke to the principle and promised him that it won't happen next time. The principle wasn't keen on letting her go and so they settled on certain conditions." He continued.

"And what are they?" I raise an eyebrow.
"For starters she has to do community service hours and they will affect her grades if she falls short, she cannot bunk or ditch classes anymore and she needs to submit all her assignments in a week." He finished.

I breathe out and nod again as I slip my phone back in my pocket and grab my bag and fist bump with Aryan heading to the door to leave.

I pull the door of Aryan's house open and walk out when my phone starts blaring. Fishing it out of my pocket I slide the answer button and stick it on my ear as I start to descend the three steps that lead to Aryan's bungalow.

"Hello Osama" comes a gentle voice from the other end.

"AsalamAlaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu Mum" I respond as I walk on the pebbled pathway through the small garden reaching the gate.

"Walekumassalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu . Where are you son?" She asks.

"I'm at Aryan's place .. didn't I tell you I'll be going to study at his place after college" I answer as I close the gate shut behind me.

"Oh..right you did tell me I must've forgotten.. By when will you be home?" She inquires.

"We're done mum.. I'm leaving right now.." I reply as my eyes turn towards the sky and see its turned black.

"Ok .. come soon.. AsalamAlaikum" comes her voice.
"WalekumAssalam" I respond cutting the call.
I walk to my bike parked a few steps from the gate and remove my keys from my pocket as I slide in my phone but the keys slip from my hand and fall near the front wheel of my bike. I bend down to pick them up when I feel heavy blow on my back and I fall flat on the ground.
Shocked to the core I turn around to see what's happening when my eyes fall on two boys who I recognise too damn well. Harsh and Agastya Rane stand before me. Before I could make a move Agastya swings a cricket bat towards me and I shield my head and my face with my arms. The bat hits my left arm and wrist and I feel a jolt of pain rush through me. Harsh attempts to kick my stomach but his shoe lands near my chin and I fall back on the ground. Wasting no time I try to get up when I feel two muscular hands pull my collar and tug me.
"You wanted to be a hero? Getting the principal to suspend us that day?" Harsh whispers angrily in my face.
"Harsh ..I.. Listen..." I try to speak but his fist collides with my jaw and I feel the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.
He lets me go and stands up looking at me with fake concern. I spit out the blood from my mouth and try to get up when Agastya pushes me back on the ground.
" Oh no.... seems like our hero can't even fight back.. What a loser! You messed with the wrong guys Khan" Agastya hisses.
He lifts his bat again and this time strikes my head and I feel a sharp pain just above my temple as I see blackness and collapse back to the ground. The noises around me start to become faint as I feel the kicks and punches on my body. All strength leaves me and I pass out but not before hearing Aryan's faint scream.
Pic of Aryan Raut—->

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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