ii. lucky you were there to save me [zombie au]

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Bang! Bang! Bang! Click.

Bucky swore quietly and ducked behind an overturned car. The zombie was still stumbling towards him, and it didn’t seem like it would stop any time soon despite the five bullets embedded in his chest.

He scanned his surroundings, looking for something, anything to make into a weapon. If he had enough time he could probably use car parts, but he didn’t have enough time and he fucking knew he should have brought more damn bullets.

If Steve were here, he would know what to do. He would probably tear the car door clean off its hinges and use it as a shield or something crazy like that. If Steve were here -

But Steve wasn’t here. It was just weaponless Bucky against a zombie who was walking right around behind the car where he was hiding.

As it approached him, dead eyes burning holes in Bucky’s face, there was a quiet click from behind him, then a series of sharp explosions. As each bullet hit, the zombie jerked back, finally dropping to the ground. It was dead for the second time.

Bucky jumped to his feet and looked back at his rescuer. It was a short girl with brown hair and wide eyes, wearing a dirty gray shirt and jeans with dried blood smeared across her face. She picked her way almost daintily through the wreckage littered across the street towards him.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I uhh… Thanks."

"No problem. I’m Clara." The girl stuck out her hand, and Bucky shook it, relieved that amongst all the chaos there was at least one person still alive with manners. "And you?"

"I’m lucky you were here to save me," he smirked.

Clara rolled her eyes and slung the strap of her gun over her shoulder, then looked up at him expectantly.

"I’m James," he relented. He knew that he should have probably told her that his name was Bucky, but the only thing he could hear when he thought of himself that way was Steve screaming his name as he rolled painfully down the steep hill towards certain death.

"It’s nice to meet you, James. There’s no way I was going to start calling you Lucky You Were Here To Save Me.”

Bucky snorted, then bent down to grab his pack off the ground. 

"Do you have anyone?" Clara asked suddenly. "Is there anyone left for you?" 

He took a deep breath, forcing tears out of his eyes, trying to push the screams away. 

"I…I did. I do. He’s not dead. We got separated. I know Steve’s not dead."

Clara nodded. “Good. Then let’s join forces. We can look for your Steve on the way.”


"Obviously it would work to our advantage. You look like you have more food in there than weapons, whereas I have all the weapons because my…uh, my previous companion had all the food and stuff. He didn’t like guns."

“‘Didn’t’, past-tense?”

"He was killed trying to stop a fight. Bloody idiot," she muttered.

Bucky cocked his head, taking her in. She was right. Of course she was right. He had no weapons, she had no food. It was a perfect idea. Besides, she knew how to shoot, and…and she kind of reminded him of Steve, in a way.

"Okay." He nodded. "That sounds like a good plan."

"Good. First we need to go back to where I set up camp and pack, then we can take bikes I found across town. I know just the place to restock, and it’ll be easier now that I have an extra person to carry things." Her brown eyes sparkled and he could sense the humor in her voice. 

"Well, what are we waiting for?" he asked. "The world to end?"

so this is a zombie au that i will most likely add to bc i've basically established the background stories for each character and i just
barneswald, man. idk.

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