~the party~

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a/n: hey guys this is my first story so grr it might be bad, and ill prob take a while to update. just wanna say that this story might have a bit of spice (we love to see it) and its cute moments too ofc (thanks to soft oikawa headcanons on tiktok). anyways feel free to give me ideas about anything. ONE MORE THING do not bash your friends in this story bcs they are based off my real friend LOLZ. anyways hope u guys enjoy it. ALSO IF I RECOMMEND A SONG FOR YOU TO LISTEN IN A CERTAIN PART listen to it if u want to get more into the mood.

"y/n!" your bestfriend ashley comes running towards you. you and ashley met in middle school and ever since, you guys have been inseparable. you guys chose to come to karasuno because you guys admired their volleyball team and hoped to make it into the girls team.

ashley finally catches up to you. "they invited it us to a party tonight" she said. "really? who" you replied. "im pretty sure aoba johsai is hosting it" she answered. you guys stared at each other with a smirk knowing ashley had a crush on iwaizumi. you guys went to the same middle school as iwaizumi, she always had a crush on him but would never say anything. your friend lena also went to middle school with you guys but she went to aoba johsai, so she'll probably be at the party.

- time skip to ashley's house-

"y/n you ready yet?" ashley shouted.

"not yet give me a min" you answered.

"omg y/n what is taking you so long? we're gonna be late!" she cried.

"JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE" you shouted.

you were wearing a black silk dress. nothing too formal, but not too casual. your make up was just mascara and a bit of eyeliner.

ashley was already waiting at the door, she seemed pissed.

"took you long enough" she said

"shut up" you said joking.

-small time skip to ashley's car-

"you know any cute boys at the party?" you ask.

"i mean iwaizumi of course" ashley says "but i think there was this one guy that also went to middle school with us his name is tooru oikawa"

"i've heard of him" you said "isn't he the captain of the volleyball team there? the one guy all the girls fangirl over?"

"oh yeah, that's him" she answered.

*text notification from lena*

are you and ashley coming to the party??

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           yeah!! u going??

yeah! see you there then!
read 9:28 p.m.

-time skip to the party-

you and ashley get out to the car and see lights coming from the house.

"shall we go in?" ashley says.

"omg ur so annoying" you scoff.

you knock on the door, a tall, brown haired boy opens the door. you guys lock eyes for what felt like forever but was just a second.

"and who might these two cuties be?" he asks.

iwaizumi appears from the back "you guys went to kitagawa, didn't you?" he says.

"yep! we're just one year younger than you guys!" ashley replies, obviously blushing.

"well then come in" iwaizumi says.

you notice the brown haired boy staring at you. you stare back before walking into the house. you feel someone pull on your wrist. you turn around to see that it's no other than oikawa.

"you're pretty cute, what's your name cutie" he asks. he had this smirk on his face that made you want to melt right there on the spot.

you let out a chuckle. "im y/n" you said. "i've heard of you im pretty sure your name is oikawa?" you say.

"call me tooru, please" he says.

"okay then, tooru. it was nice meeting you" you say walking away.

"wait!" he says. "leaving already? do you know how many girls are dying just to have a conversation with me?" he says. the whiny tone in his voice was so attractive to you for some reason.

"well then, maybe go talk to one of the girls" you said back.

"sassyyyyy" he replies "i mean i could. but i want to talk to you." he says. "may i have your number?" he asks

"hmmm, i could give it to you. but where's the fun in that?" you answer.

"Y/N!" you hear a familiar voice.

"LENA!" you see your bestfriend running towards you.

you leave oikawa to go with your bestfriend. "hey! how's it been?" you ask her.

"pretty good! i've missed you" she says.

"me too! i'm so happy i got to see you here!" she exclaimed. "where's ashley? i thought she came here with you?" "she did" you said. you look around for her and see her talking to iwaizumi, guess she finally got the guts to talk to him.

you and lena spent the whole night together. ashley eventually joined you guys too. that led to you guys having some shots, and maybe you drank to many to the point that you blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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