Things That Creep and Crawl

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Storms were known to pop up from no where before unleashing their power then simply disappearing to make way for sunny skies and steamy humidity. That's the way of the rainforest and everyone had become familiar with the infrequent occurrences.

This particular storm was not one of those familiar happenings. Yes, it did come up out of no where and yes...sunny skies and humidity were left, once it had blown through. It was what happened in between that had left everyone reeling.

Early the first morning on set, Ant and Dec had arrived to begin their week of prep work before the celebrities would arrive. During the first week, mornings were normally spent in meetings with the production crews, ironing out the kinks that would invariably come to light each year. Problems would be worked through and, hopefully solved, adjustments would be made and so far, everything was looking good for the start of the series.

Afternoons would be spent exploring new areas of the camp...any new outer buildings or contraptions the campmates would use during their time on the show. Last year the new item had been a see saw used to pump warm water into a tub. The luxury had been a big hit but the production crew were reporting that this year's was going to outdo that by a mile!

This year was a tent that would serve as a shelter for the camp leader and his or her deputy leader. It was to be decked out with two comfy beds, clean linens and plump pillows as well as a complete show stopper...a private 3/4 bathroom with a dunny, sink and most importantly, a shower, which would have it's own supply of hot water but it would require campmates pumping it in from outside the structure.

Ant and Dec were thrilled with the possibilities of moaning and drama from anyone being forced to pump the water but never able to enjoy the benefits of using the luxury. They were certain people would get stirred up for sure...telly gold.

The wind had been gusting on and off all day long but those who had been in meetings hadn't been really aware of it unless they happened to take a break and head outside. Lunch had been brought to the group and there was no need to leave the building since that might make the meetings that much longer.

When everything was finally wrapped up for the day, Ant and Dec met up with medics Bob McCarron and Tucker Stevens to head over to the camp site. Bob was in charge of making sure the area was free of poisonous snakes and spiders and Tucker was going to lend a hand in making sure the new structure was free of the dangerous creepy crawlies. They were also going to give the camp area a good once over, looking for any new burrowing animals that may have created new homes amongst the brush around the common and sleeping areas. At the same time, Ant and Dec planned on making full use of the shower, having put on swim trunks under their trousers. They wanted to see how well the facilities were going to work so they could clue the viewers in on their experiences.

Walking along the trail, the group noticed how the wind was picking up but Bob and Tucker didn't seem to be all that concerned. A system was to move through the area so rain and wind was to be expected, but no one had a clue as to how bad the weather was going to turn until it was too late to head back to more a more stable structure like the clinic or one of the production trailers or huts. The canopy of the trees normally held back sunlight due to the thickness of the foliage. With the dark clouds rolling in, the sunlight seemed to disappear. making the trail more hazardous to navigate. The winds picked up a bit more and a few limbs could be heard falling in the distance.

"Widow makers..." Tucker said under his breath as he looked pointedly at the older medic. "We're not safe..." he added, just as quietly, not wanting to worry Ant and Dec, who seemed oblivious to the possible danger.

"I think we best head to the insect hut," Bob suggested, knowing that it was a more permanent structure than what had been put up at the campsite. It had been standing in the same spot for the past 15 seasons...there was no reason to believe anything would or could happen to it.

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