Little Sea Princess

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"Dad!!" Sollux yelled. "Dad, 2omeone got hurt!!"

"What?? Really??" Sollux's father replied. "Wa2 iit a 2eal or a penguiin??"

"Niiether," Sollux said. "We don't know what 2he ii2."

"2he?? Briing her iin."

Sollux and Aradia came running back with a small girl in their arms. Except she had a tail. And gills. And horns. She seemed to be breathing, but she was unconsious.

"Oh my goodne22," he said. "We 2hould get her treatment riight away."


Captor Journal
Entry #1- 2/01/09

We came acro22 an unknown 2peciie2 la2t niight duriing a 2torm. 2he ha2 a 2iimiilar appearance two a mermaiid, but 2he ha2 2mall horn2 2proutiing from her head. II've deciided two name her under the genu2 Peiixiie2, and giive her iimmediiate treatment.


"Dad, ii2 the priince22 goiing two be okay??" Sollux said, tugging at his father's lab coat.

"The priince22??"

"Yeah, the priince22 we found la2t niight."

"Oh. Ye2, 2ollux, our liittle 2ea priince22 ii2 goiing two be ju2t fiine."


Captor Journal
Entry #2- 2/05/09

2o 2ollux ha2 dubbed M2. Peiixiie2 a2 our liittle 2ea priince22. 2he'2 goiing two need a lot of work. II've never 2een anythiing liike iit; 2he need2 hydratiion, but al2o an oxygen 2upply!! 2he ii2 mo2tly awake duriing the day, but 2he 2eem2 depre22ed, a2 well a2 hiighly antii2ociial and doe2nt move much. Maybe iit'2 due two the fact that 2he ha2nt 2wum iin a whiile?? II'll have two do more rea2earch.


"Hello, Priince22," Sollux said, poking his head into the room. She looked over her bed.

"II'm 2ollux," he said, smiling. "What'2 your name??" She didn't say anything. "Do you have a name??" She shook her head no.

"2ollux!! Get over here now!!" Sollux's father called.

"Comiing, Dad!!" He said. "Hey, II'll be back later, okay??" She nodded.


Captor Journal
Entry #3- 2/10/09

II thiink II'm clo2e two fiindiing out about thii2 priince22 of our2. II ju2t need two collect 2ome data from deep 2ea. II'm leaviing twomorrow...


2ollux'2 Dad'2 Journal
Entry #4 (II thiink)- 2/13/09

Okay, 2o you're probably wonderiing why am II wriitiing iin my dad'2 journal?? Well, what happened wa2 that he left for the ocean a few day2 ago, but he 2tiill ha2n't come back. Mr. Vanta2, KK'2 dad, he told me not two worry, becau2e my dad wa2 a great man. IIdon't know why he 2aiid wa2, though.

Anyway2, 2o the priince22 ii2 a lot shyer than II thought she would be. II'm gonna have two play wiith her a lot iif II want her two be niicer.


"Your Hiighne22," Sollux whispered. "Priince22, wake up." She opened her eyes and gave him a look that said, "W)(at? It's late."

"Do you wanna play??" Sollux asked. She nodded yes. "Great. Come on--"

"S9llux, are y9u in here?" A voice called. "I have s9mething t9 tell you."

"Ye2, Mr Vanta2," Sollux called back. "II have two go, okay?? But II promii2e you, we'll get two play 2omeday."

Little Sea Princess [Homestuck Aquariumstuck AU]Where stories live. Discover now