Part 8

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They all sit around and Lexa fill anya in on everything that has happened up until Titus shot her once Lexa gets to the Clarke takes over and fills her in on the rest on she finished she cuddles more into Lexa and starts to drift off to sleep as she dose Lexa kisses her forehead and abby turns to Lexa

Abby is there a room me and Kane can stay in for the night I think with Clarke asleep we should give you and anya some time alone

Lexa octavia is in the room next door but there's a room on the other side of that you can stay in if you both want a room each then there is another one down the end of the hall way

Abby thank you Lexa and I will go over more of beccas books once I have had a good rest just make sure Clarke eats and has plenty of water please she need to keep drinking it if she going to be sick a lot

Lexa of course I will wait till she wakes up and see what she would like to eat you said some foods might make her sick and will make sure we have plenty of water for her goodnight Abby and Kane

They both say goodnight and head off to there room once gone Lexa turns back to anya

Lexa let me just put Clarke into the bed and I will come back and we can have a chat ok

Anya nods her head and Lexa picks Clarke up and takes her to there bed and places her ther giving her a kiss on the cheek and making sure there was a glass of water by the bed for her and she makes her way back to anya once there she sits back down

Anya I knew there was something about her when we was watching them she not like the rest when I met her on the bridge I could tell she just wanted peace and when we got took by the mountain she could of left me there like the rest but she broke the lock on the cage they had me in and got me out of there I will admit once we hit the water I had to pull her out but when she woke up I smashed a rock on her head and tied her up I was going to drag her back to you so she could confirm to you what was happening to our people she can be very sneaky and stubborn she manage to get the jump on me she stabbed something in my neck and the next thing I knew she had me tied up and dragged me to where they first landed I managed to get free and we started fighting she kept trying to talk to me but I wouldn't listen until she managed to have me pined down she could of killed me but she chucked the knife away and made me listen to her she took me to show me her other people had landed but as I was leaving I got shot the last I remember was her being shot as well

Lexa yes she can be very stubborn when we was on our way to the ark one of her people shot up a village near by turns out it was a boy she was with at the time he handed him self over when he knew that it was him or them all she walked right up to my tent and told me she could change reapers back to men I made her prove it to me she took me and Indra to the drop ship they call it and she had Lincoln chained there he was a reaper the next thing he was dead but she told her mum to use this stick on him she did it a couple of times and Lincoln was back it turns out they had used drugs to make them that way we have manage to catch the ones that was left and with the help of Abby we got them all back so I told her that we could have a alliance once the boy Finn was dead she tried everything for me not to kill him even stood up to Indra who had a spear pressed into her stomach she still wouldn't back down she asked me to show mercy but I couldn't so she asked if she could say goodbye turns out she is really sneak like you said she had a knife we didn't know about and put it right though his heart Indra and the warriors I had with me all went to kill her but I stopped them as I already felt the pull to her

Anya she is strong and special and I will help protect them both with my lift Lexa you are family and family stick together now where is Titus and Indra

Lexa after Titus shot me and made Clarke flame keeper he killed him self to stop ontari being able to force him to put the flame in her or find out that he had given it to Clarke to find Luna Indra is in her room resting her and octavia are now Clarke personal guards form now on

Anya I know am still getting better but I would like to be place as her personal guard as well Abby saved me and could of left me to die Clarke save me in that mountain as well so I would like to be able to protect her and your child as well

Lexa we will get you back to training and have Abby give you a check over once she gives you the all clear you can be her guard as well

Anya of course heda now what did Abby mean about beccas books

Lexa well turns out Titus knew about Clarke and my soul the whole time but he didn't want them to be activated or for us to be together it way he tried to kill Clarke our whole history with him had been a lie when we was in the city of lights becca spoke to me she told me everything how mine and Clarke souls was in the flame that we would have a child and that she would bring us all peace and love she told me how Titus teaching love is weakness and to be commander is to be alone was all a lie so he could control the commander and keep the clans fighting she also told me it was him who kidnapped costia and gave her to queen nia she told me everything that had to do with the flames what she wanted to happen the sky people was always going to fall from the sky as we needed Clarke it all to do with mine her blood lines I will let you go over all the books Abby has once she sorted them out becca said she's the only one who will understand them better than anyone other than Clarke so we have her going over them all

Just as anya was about to speak they both heard Clarke getting up out of bed and heading to them

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