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{Author's Note: This book is dedicated to my old man bxgbadbxker}

Soleil steps out of the garage, she found herself in Charming after constantly moving around to avoid her stepfather Frank, after her mother's death, Frank started drinking more then usual and even started hitting Soleil, he tried hitting Jacob and Garrett, but he never got close enough and while Frank was passed out, Soleil packed her suitcase and fled with her brothers, it was after she crossed the California state line that she learned about her father and older brother, she was taught by Gemma about the rules of being an Old Lady and what comes with being associated with Samcro, she picked up fast on everything, it wasn't until Lincoln Potter and his posse started messing around trying to take club down that Soleil disappeared.

Jax sits in the van with his brothers, after a frantic call from his mother, the crusade began with a visit to all the other clubs and crews involved with the sons, after their stories checked out, there was only one place left to check, the house of Frank, the abusive alcoholic stepfather, Soleil had escaped from, Jax never knew much about what happened other then Frank was abusive and a drunk after her mother died, he knew if none of the clubs affiliations didn't have her, then Frank had to of taken her, the hours seemed to run together for him, it seemed like forever since he got the call from his mother, but it had only been four hours there is only one plan and one plan only for him and that is to find her and bring her home, Opie sits beside him, he could not imagine losing Lyla, sure they had hit a bump in the road every now and then, but he loves her and after Donna, he just needed someone and Lyla was there, Opie and Jax had been through a lot together from John's death to joining the club and even discussing the Old Ladies, Opie had seen how Jax was after Tara had left, but it was like a sign according to Neeta that Jax had found his Saving Grace and unlike Tara, Soleil has Gemma in her corner they hit it off as soon as they were introduced, but Gemma already knew Soleil was running from someone and where there is no justice, there is always an avenging angel.

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