You heard rumors of a disappearance happening many years ago in Freddy Fazbears. Some say they never found the bodies, some say they are in the animatronics, and some...believe that they were murdered and their bodies were never found.
Your friend F...
The next day you realized you had woken up a little later than usual, you hurried your pass snd arrived at the pizzeria just in time.
When you walked in the security office you saw Mike sitting in his chair.
Mike was distracted. You could tell by the look in his eyes that something was tearing at him, no matter how hard you tired to grasp it, it pained you to look at him...
"Sorry...I was day dreaming..." Mike excused.
You could hear the worry lacing in his voice, and it made you worry more. You needed to focus, or there was no way you'd be able to figure out how the night would play out.
Mikes expression turned into anger and frustration.
"Dammit...why couldn't you just...leave...!" He hit his fist on the table.
It made you jump.
"I don't know if you don't understand how likely it is were gonna die here, or if you just don't understand, but damn it!" Mike was raising his voice. He was starting to bruise his hand just from hitting the table so hard.
"I don't want you to fucking die!"
There was a lot of anger behind his voice...but....also a hint of sadness...
You couldn't stand the look on his face, contorted anger, and sadness.
The way he looked at you with worry, it pained your heart and made you want to touch him all the more.
You walked towards him. I guess you could say your shortness matched his height when he was sitting.
Lacing your hands behind his head, you went for a kiss.
"Y/n what're yo- Mmp!"
Placing your lips on his, you felt the shiver of warmth shoot from your cheeks to your belly, stirring feelings you couldn't describe.
It was a feeling you had to experience to understand.
This was all Mike needed.
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Gripping your hips he pulled you forwards, pressing desperate kisses to your lips.
Goose bumps shivered up your legs from the cold chill of the pizzeria air-
What about the animatronics?
You thought.
You gasped while he pressed a kiss to your neck.
You hear the doors being shut.
He shut both doors?
He stops and looks at you giving one of his rare real smiles.
"It's 5am, we've got time, and plenty of power...let me make this good for you..."
With a nod, you watched as Mike tugged down the collar of your shirt, before he gave a hard nip on your neck.
Straddling his waist, you pressed your lips to his forehead, a shiver ran down Mike's spine before he let out a soft sigh.
Tonight may have been a waste in terms of fixing the animatronics, but it was far from a waste of your time with Mike.
Mikes hands are surprisingly gentle, for someone so rough. You'll remember this night for a long time.
It was nearly six. You get off of Mike and stood up as well.
"Hey, once this is all over I say we go out for something, Boss's treat." Mike said jokingly.
You appreciate the humor in Mike's voice, but you also doubt that you boss would be that free with his money.
"Yeah I know...Good thing I got some money squirrled away. It won't be anything big but it'll be nice! So let's hurry up and finish this!Judging by the monitor looks like well be needing the back stage key." Mike said to you.
You both carefully walk out of the office and looked around for the key. Luckily you knew exactly where to look.
You looked in the parts and service room and grabbed it.
You hurried and looked around if their were animatronics around.
There wasn't so you proceeded directly to the backstage and opened it.
You walked down the hallways to it...
It was dark and terrifying...
You held on to Mike's hand for reassurance.
"...It's been so long..."
You stopped walking including Mike hearing the voice, you continued walking
"Finally I can at least tell you before I die..."
She kept talking yet you proceeded forward.
"Then again maybe I should keep it to myself..."
bit by bit nearing the door
"Would you ....even forgive me?"
She asked.
You went through the door with Mike.
you see the little girl's crying shadow in front of Foxy.
"Before you set me free...I wanted to say...I'm sorry Mike..."
Ellie apologized. Mike looked confused.
"I'm sorry I treated you so badly...that I got mad and yelled at you...just maybe if I paid more attention to you- You wouldn't have had to suffer as you had. Maybe...Foxy wouldn't have harmed you" Ellie said
"I...I don't remember...much...Ugh It's making my head hurt to think!...but I do remember you...just a little...and...I forgive you..." Mike frowned.
Just as he said that you placed the pirate hook that was missing on Foxy's hand back in it's place.
"Thank you so much...I know it's not much but I am very grateful." She tears up..
"Y/n? Take care of Mikey for us, we'll se you both again some day.." Ellie smiled at you guys.
"I don't get it...why am I crying...?" Mike wiped his tears away.
"See you around Ellie..."
- Several months later -
The nightmare was over. A few months later after some therapy, it was nice to be able to settle down and just relax for the moment.
"Works been so much easier with you around you know that?" Mike asked giving you a loving smile
You couldn't help but stare into the night guards blue eyes, drowning into yours.
One thing you hadn't gotten to see on your first week was his plentiful puns.
A few months later?
He was making up for it.
"Guess we out foxed'em didn't we? You could say we were well guarded!" Mike continued.
"Are my ears ringing? Or are those just wedding bells?" Mike flirted.
You listen to him rattle on with puns and quips, happy to be in your lovers arms.