I just need you in my life

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Prompt: Jennie realizes some important stuff while flying to Lisa's home.

Warnings: Fluff /Fluff / Fluff


Jennie stares throughout the clean window besides her seat. Everything is sky. Light blue extends beyond, infinite. Inside the plane, almost everything is creamy. The floor, the blanket on top of her thighs, the feeling of Lisa's thumb caressing the back of her hand tenderly.

Jennie breathes deeply before turning around. She needs it. She's been needing it lately, some sort of preparation before being brave enough to face her friend's gorgeous features.

It's kind of useless and Jennie knows it. Nothing prepares her enough for the way in which her heart warms up incandescently at the sight of Lisa's eyes.

It wasn't always like that. Or it was. Jennie is not sure anymore, but she's only noticed the fuzzy feeling tickling in her body in reaction to her groupmate's soft chuckle after hearing her confession two weeks ago.


"I like you, Jennie", Lisa said, her glistening doe eyes drowning in deep chocolate. "I really do".

Jennie stared at her friend silently, with her heart threatening to jump out of her chest.

Her friend's stare carried a sadness that made her feel her own chest tightening in response.

"But then again, who wouldn't? You are generous, brilliant and incredibly talented".

Lisa smiled in a downwards curve, aching, and Jennie immediately wished she could make her pain disappear.

She wished she could be braver.

"And of course, ridiculously gorgeous, but you already know that", Lisa stated almost shyly.

"Oh", Jennie answered only, all the rest of the words lost in uncertainty.

You are breathtaking, she wanted to say. You make me so happy. I don't know what's going on. I'm so scared.

She didn't.

"And I'm just telling you this because I want you to trust me the way I trust you. Unconditionally. And I can't expect you to do so if I'm not completely honest with you".

Lisa tilted her head just like a kitten.

Jennie had to restrain herself from caressing her pinkish cheeks with the pad of her fingers.

She remained mute, the hit of a tremble weakening her legs.

"I know you don't feel the same. And it's okay", the raven-haired girl stated, her voice faltering, "I mean...it kind of sucks, to be honest. But it will be okay. I'll deal with this. I'll move on from you".

Lisa raised her pinky finger, searching desperately for her friend's stare.

"I promise".

Jennie nodded, trying to choke a desperate cry. She wondered if it was possible to faint due to the agony of shattering her own heart.

And someone else's, too.

No, no, no.

Her restrained voice was stuck in the base of her throat.

Jennie intertwined her pinky with Lisa's, sealing the promise. Behind her back, though, she crossed her index and middle fingers tightly, hoping for a second chance with so much pained strength that it almost made her breathless.

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