CH 11

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Both Changkyun and Suho were pretty much taken aback. "Another pure blood?" Changkyun asked with suspicion with sense of another vampire and not only Jin's wife. A pure domicile vampire; 5ft tall, pale skin, ebony hair, eyes dark grey slim like Serena. "Must be working for him." He mumbled to himself. "Honey, will you calm down?" Jin pressed her shoulders to which his wife a glance to him and calmed. "What was that yeobo?" Another shout came from upstairs. The members in the living hall looked up to find two figures around the rails of the first floor looking back at them. "Human?" The new comers mumbled. "Not now." Both Taehyung and Jin shouted. "Shut yourself in!" They shouted. Everything was happening so quickly. The human pheromones filling the vampire lungs. Your aunt and Jisung saw the things going down and ran back. Confused Changkyun looked back at his brothers only to find them clutching on your wives by neck. The ladies had their bluish black veins surf above their pale skin, deep grunts escaping their down their throats, their appearance changing. When he looked out for Yoongi and Jungkook none were around. Leaving only him, the kids and the two couples who were trying to control their wives.

"Jaemin take them away." Taehyung shouted to him. "This way." Jaemin shouted at Suho and Changkyun while he dragged you with him to another room. The twins followed Jaemin while Suho and Changkyun stayed there witnessing everything.

Where as your body began to tremble from those screams. Your nerves, heart and mind at the peak to blow off.

Not much seconds later the screeching females threw Taehyung and Jin to the wall. The two females stood with their white eyes, veins trying to pop out, fangs protruding. They immediately began to sniff in order to follow the faint scent of human. Speeding upstairs, "Yah, Taehyung hold your wife before I really pull out her head." Yoongi shouted trying his best to hold her from going any further. "Suho!" Jungkook shouted. In a second he shape shifted, ran upstairs. Changkyun followed him up to find Suho dodging the punches and bites the vampires were trying to give him.

Not having another chance to deal with them, Suho stood up on his hind legs and caught the both vampires with his palms. With that opportunity Yoongi shot tranquilizers to their necks; their most vulnerable point. "Don't loosen your hold!" Yoongi shouted to Suho. Slowly they began to resist from fighting and fell limp. Just as he felt them wasted he threw them to floor. "No!" Jungkook shouted. "It is fine." Yoongi assured Jungkook. "Go check on your brothers." Yoongi then turned to Changkyun, "Help me carry them." He agreed and carried them to a room. Suho went up and knocked on the door. Jisung swung opened the door. "Hyung!" He shouted. "I will bring them now." Jisung answered and ran back to grab his brother's clothes. "Here!" He handed them over to him. Suho carried it to a room, transformed back to human and dressed up.

Meanwhile you held on to Jaemin as if your life depended on him. "It is fine Y/n, everything will be fine." Jaemin continued to smooth you. "Looks like mom is still not able to hold her urges." Taeyeon spoke. "Yea." Jaemin agreed after finding his mom's condition. "Y/n is very much terrified." Chaeyeon. But you were petrified. It felt so much for you to handle, your mind began to flood with lots of vague memories of wolves trying to harm someone.

"They are coming." You mumbled, your grip tightened around Jaemin's collar while he had you covered in his embrace. The rest look at you, trembling lips, eyes scared staring at the floor, fists clenching onto Jaemin's collar. They exchanged their look wit each other. "Y/n." Jaemin hugged tightly, calling your name softly, hoping it would calm you. "Appa" you began to cry. A flash where a guy punched and threw a wolf away from you, soon embracing you in his arms, his face blurred. "Dark night has a beautiful moon and I have a beautiful princess." He patted your head while whispering to your ears. Tears slowly forming in your eyes.

Kinsmir : The Lover Of A Vampire 《《PJM》》Where stories live. Discover now