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After we got our clothes on, Cabot and I looked us in the eyes. Just a second. Then he went to the door, unlocked it and stepped outside. I sighed and looked to my horse. No special kind. it was dark brown with little white stains. One on his head. It begins at his nostrils and goes up the face to his left eye. I pet it on the forehead and he pushed my gently. "Oh dear..You will be my only man." I told him and smiled. He was faithful and I appriciate it.

So I followed Cabot outside. But I didn't see him anywhere. "Oh my dear Molly." I heard on the right side. Mulcahy leand on the stable. He saluted and I greeted him the same way. "You and that boy, hu?" he asked me. "I don't know what you mean." He gave me a knowing glance. "He left the stable befor you. Plucked his uniform. Oh and both of you had that shining red flush on your face." I cleared my throat.

"Do you wanna tell anyone of it? Espescially my brother?" I asked him. He invited me to walk with him. "No. I watched you both the last days. It was hardly bearable for me to watch that childish behaviour. Good you fucked that away. So you can both concentrate on your work again." I looked around. Noone to hear his words. "Well then. Thank you for your secrecy."

I stopped and nodded to him. "My pleasure. You know I respect you. You were a little crying bitch when I met you. With suger in you butt and silver spoons as a sword." I lifted my eyebrows. "But you made it. No matter how hard I was, how often you cried, you didn't quit." "Thank you Seargent Major. Your words fill me with joy because I know how hard it is to earn your respect." We both smiled at each other. "Slán Mulcahy." He taught me farewall in irish.

I didn't slept very well that night. I thought about Cabot, about my regiment. About my brother. I sigh and got up. I had to tell him. The most men are still sleeping. So I went Jupiter who was already awake. "Please tell the Colonel he have to meet me in 1 hour southwest the camp. It is urgent." I order him. "Y-Yes Mam.", So I headed to the horse stable.  After I got all my things (what wasn't very much), I rode out of the camp and waited. I wore the big coat of the military and held the reins in my gloves. So I waited.

"What are you doing?", I heard and turn around. "Robert." And Cabot. I sighed and looked down to them. I saw the anger in the eyes of my brother. He put a hand on his hip and pointed energetically to the ground. "Come down. Now." "No." "I begg you pardon?" "You heard me. My former regiment needs me. I have to go. They are my friends, Robert. My commrads. Please I ask you for just one favour.", I explained. Robert fixed me with his eyes. "What favour?" "Order me to go. You know if not I would be a deserter. They will punish me or worse....kill me for that. So please confirm my leave. You don't need me here. I was here to heal and this is finished." I saw him struggel and move his jawn.

"Fine, because you are my sister and I want you no harm. Mother would kill me...I am you big brother." he finally agreed. I smiled at him. "Thank you. Gentlemen. Farewell." I said, gave Cabot one last glance and orderd my horse to move. Left both behind me.

"Did you do it?"Robert asked. "What?" "Talked to her?" Cobat looked to his friend and shook his head: "No. Couldn't do it." "Pity. Maybe it was your last chance. What is with your lip?" "Nothing." Robert turned around and headed back to the camp. Cabot lied at him. He knows his friend want a love story between him and his sister. He wanted to be that good guy who marry her. He doesn't even know if she liked him more then a friend. If she love him. So he just took the chance last night to spent it with her without confessing his feelings for her and now hes felt bad about it.

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