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How to do SEO for YouTube Channel- A Consequent Guide for Video Marketers! / / By

Hey! Do you want to know how to do SEO for YouTube channel? There are no views on your YouTube channel also?

Worried about how to get more subscribers for your channel and not getting views on your uploaded videos.

In this blog I am going to elaborate in detail about how to rank YouTube videos fast

And also, I am going to give you premium knowledge about how to do SEO for YouTube channel.

This is a problem for the majority of YouTubers like you. But don't take tension because every problem has a solution.

You know so many YouTubers who run their channel successfully because they know the techniques of how to do SEO of YouTube channel.

If I talking about myself, I also face the same problem when I was started my YouTube channel.

So, if you want to overcome this problem then read this whole article thoroughly.

Step 1- Keyword Research

If you want to know how to get more views on youtube then the first thing that you need to do is youtube video keyword research. You have to generate a list of potential keywords around your niche.

There are some strategies to find out the potential keywords

First, use a youtube search suggest box. All you need to do is just write the seed or core keyword in the youtube search box and youtube will suggest a bunch of related keywords that you have already typed.


Use can use those keywords without any hesitation because these are the keywords that people trying to search on YouTube.

You can also copy the keywords of a popular video in your niche because it's optimized well.

Probably you know that keyword optimization is an important part of youtube SEO. SO, if a video has lots of views then there is a high chance that the video is optimized around a popular keyword.

You can also find the best keywords by just check out the popular video's title, description, and video tags around your niche. By this, you can get more views on your youtube video.

You can use the VIDIQ Chrome extension to know the video's tags right on the page.

Second, decide the best keyword from the list

Now, the list that you have made chooses the most relevant keyword from there. Try to focus on a low competition keyword. Because it's easy to rank on low competition keywords.

A question might come to your mind that how can we check the competitiveness of a keyword? Right!

Don't worry it's simple, just write your keyword on google and check out the about result. You want to target that keyword which has a low "About result" number.

Every industry has a different level of competition. So, focus on that keyword which has a low competition for your niche.

You can also check out the competition of keywords by a tool called google keyword planner. It is a free tool.

Search your keyword on google

Probably you know that most of the youtube views come from google. So, try to find those keywords that have a video result on google around your niche.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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