chapter 11

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Time skip to arriving at Konoha

The team of godlike ninja arrive at the gate of Konoha, the oldest looking member, Kakashi, talking to the oldest mentally, Naruto, about how he should apologise to his two other team members but Naruto keeps refusing saying that they needed to hear what he told them.

The other two members, Sasuke and Sakura, walk a meter or two away from the older members of the team, theyre not talking to each other but theyre still thinking about the same thing, how they dont think theyre going to be able to talk to Naruto unless absolutely necessary.

The team walks to the gate watchers and Kakashi signs them in before saying meet up at the hokage tower I half an hour for the report, and dont be late.

Narutos P.O.V

I walk towards my house wanting to get some things through my head. Was Kakashi correct about whether I should apologise to my teammate. No, I was right in what I said. I had to go through this practically by myself and that is what I had to go through and that is what I did not want to happen with them. They are on the cusp of going through an identity crisis, how they are probably one of the oldest people alive in the body of their children counterpart.

I walk through the streets of Konoha before deciding on wanting my favourite food in the world, the food of the gods, ramen from Ichiraku ramen. I walk into the stand and sit down in front of the man who has shown me love from the very beginning.

what can I get for ya, Naruto?

can I get a miso ramen please, old man!

He goes behind him and starts to make my ramen when I hear someone sit down beside me. I look towards who sat beside me and find a young-ish blond girl sat beside me before I hear Mattatabi start talking.

Mattatabi-youngling, the girl she is the one who holds the original me, shes from Kumogakure so I dont know what she is doing here, be on your guard.

Minato- last time a kumo envoy was here they tried to steal your mother so be on your guard!

I lower my hand towards my kunai pouch just as my food was placed in front of me. I look towards the girl again.

what are you doing here, kumo-san?

im surprised you realised that im from kumo, I kept my headband off so that I wouldnt be seen as an enemy of the city before I got to talk to your kage, I was sent here as an envoy to deliver something to your kage so I am allowed in your city.

why would they send someone like you?

someone like me? Do you mean a girl, do you not think that women can be strong ninja? she said getting riled up.

no, I didnt mean it in that way number two.

She looks like she just registered what I meant and gets a sheepish look on her face and she calms herself down.

why dont we see how strong a woman can be number two, I like to have a spar with you, follow me, I leave my food but place my money on the side to pay for it as I start walking towards the place where only one person would notice we were fighting, the forest of death.

She starts following me so I build up my speed but not too fast so that she can actually follow me.

We arrive at the forest of death quite quickly and of course I get there first and I jump over the gate surrounding it and she follows me but I dont stop till we are near the middle of the forest near the tower.

little kid Im older than you and I have a biju inside me, I dont think you realise the situation you have put yourself in.

no, it is you, number two, who doesnt realise what you have put yourself in, I can comfortably say that I am the strongest shinobi in the village right now, and also the strongest shinobi that has ever come from this village.

I get into a ready stance of my own tijutsu style and watch as she does the same and I let her run at e at a medium chunnin pace. I start thinking about how I wont need to use any of my dojutsu to beat her before mattatabi speaks up.

Mattatabi- youngling watch out for her nails she can extend them at will, its why she doesnt wear ninja sandals.

I watch as the young girl goes to jab me with her hands, and I watch as her nails start extending and I jump back far enough to miss the nails.

that was quite sneaky, extending nails, thats like jaraiya and his extending hair, is that because of mattatabi or did you learn that yourself, also what is your name?

my name is yugito, what is yours?

I notice thatshe deflects and misses my question about the nails. my name is naruto

I quickly go through hand signs and call out wind style- great breakthrough, and I push quite a lot of chakra, for a normal person but im not normal so for me its barely any chakra, through it and I feel wind push through all around me pulling up tree and throwing them far away but I see yugito staying in the same position as she was in before the jutsu.

I feel her reaching for mattatabis chakra and I realise im going to have to end this quickly so no one realises we are fighting. I put my hands in a snake seal and jump towards her before using my wood chakra to easily restrain the two tailed chakra and yugito before I realise that anko is jumping towards us with the hokage right behind her.

oh, shit.

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