Episode 46 : Burning Love

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The sun is setting down, at the Harvard's mansion, Travis was there pouring gasoline at the wooden walls on the house.....

Travis: (immediately pours gasoline into the wall) (feels nervous) (looks around) finally, the last one.... (stares at the open light inside the house) (clenches his fists) nobody can stop my life for Sabrina... I will risk it all until the end!! (lights up a match) (throws the match at the wooden wall)
*the wall starts to burn slowly*
Travis: (immediately walks away from the house) (stares at the burning home while running away) (enters his car) (starts and drives his car) (left)

At the lobby of the school, Harley was there sleeping next to Saint, William and Macky who are still waiting for the voting to finish......

Harley: (lies his head on Saint's shoulder) (suddenly sleeps)
Saint: ugh guys? (holds and puts Harley on his chest) Harley fell asleep....
William: damn... he must have been tired of the whole day right???
Saint: (hugs and kisses Harley's cheeks) are we allowed to go home??? I also wanna rest with my boyfriend now.....
Macky: well, the outcome of this voting will be one monday or tuesday... we do not really know..... so what is the point of being here....
William: you all are right... (stands up) (stretches his body) so... should we leave now?
*Geo and Santi watches Saint and the others packing up*
Macky: (takes and carries everyone's bag) I am gonna carry all of your stuffs... Saint and Harley... I will be the mailman of tonight.....
Saint: thank you Macky......
William: wanna help in carrying your boyfriend? I have a car....
Saint: no need... I can carry him.... (slowly carries Harley) (lies Harley on his shoulder)
Harley: (yawns) (clings on Saint's neck and shoulders)
Saint: (pats Harley's ass softly) now I have a baby with me.... hahahahaha...
William: you two are cute as always....
Geo: (stares angrily at Saint carrying Harley) (in his mind) I could have done a better job...
Saint: so shall we????
Macky: lets go...
Saint: and guys... why not rest in our home for tonight so we can go here in school tomorrow early......
William: sure thing....
Macky: and how about the girls who are still not here????
Saint: I will text them on our way home.....
William: okay... let me text instead....
Macky: (nods)
*Saint, Macky, William and Harley left*
Geo: (stares angrily at Saint leaving while carrying Harley) he can still never win over me in this election.....
Santi: (stands up) I wanna go home Geo... good luck on your own okay??
Geo: (follows Santi) how would I believe you that you will not follow those stupid people???
Santi: I have been fucking avoiding those people for 2 weeks and you are still doubting me???! get a life Geo, you may be under control my school life but my personal life? I own my fucking life! (left)
Geo: (stares angrily at Santi) (in his mind) wrong Santi... whoever is against me will have a taste of my very own hell..... so do not mess me up Santi, never........

It is now very deep in night, Sabrina was walking alone in the streets on the way to her home.......

Sabrina: (looks and walks down sadly) (sees a lot of people, cars, ambulances and firetrucks nearby) (feels confused) what is happening here??? (runs and pushes through the crowd) (looks at the firemen trying to kill the fire of her house) oh my God!!! (eyes widens at the fires of the house) (screams) oh my God!!! (cries hard) what happened here??? mom!!!! dad!!! (tries to run inside her home)
Fireman #1: (holds Sabrina away from the house) sorry kid but you are not allowed to be in this dangerous place!
Sabrina: (shakes her head) no... please! this is my house and my parents are in it!! (struggles to run to the house)
Fireman #2: (holds Sabrina) I am sorry kid but your parents are now rushed to the hospital.... they are in a critical condition with a high level of burns in their body.....
Sabrina: (keeps crying) (falls on her knees) no!!!!!! why did this happen??? punches the ground) who would do such thing to our family????
Police: I am sorry.... your name is Sabrina right?
Sabrina: (keeps crying) (nods)
Police: we are still investigating who could do such a big mess like this okay?
Sabrina: (keeps crying) (stares at her burning home) mom..... dad......
*Kacey and Avril approaches Sabrina*
Kacey: Sabrina.... (holds Sabrina) what happened to your home???? where is Mr. and Mrs. Harvard?
Sabrina: (pushes Kacey away) go away! you can never bring back my home so why would you all still care???
Avril: (holds Sabrina's hand) Sabrina.... how many times we would tell you that we are not your enemies here.... we are here to help and you are not safe staying on the streets for the night.....
Kacey: (pulls Sabrina up) Sabrina.... you can stay with us now that your home is.... (looks at the house) it is burned down.... and we will pray for your parents to recover.... just please... (tears falls on her face) just please trust us.....
Sabrina: (keeps crying) (stands up) (looks at her burning home) but who would do such things like this???
*Kacey and Avril looks serious at each other*
Kacey: (looks down sadly) we should talk about this in home instead.... let all your sadness out there okay? we will listen to you all night.....
Avril: yeah Sabrina... we are here for you....
Sabrina: (looks down sadly) (feels lifeless)
*Sabrina and Avril walks away*
Kacey: (looks at the burning mansion) (in her mind) but who would really do such thing to her??? (remembers Travis) I do not want to assume but... could this be Travis??? it can only be Travis.... his love for Sabrina made him a huge demon... (looks down sadly) I feel bad for Sabrina, she does not deserve this.... I hope she opens her life for what's real now...

This is so sad.... Sabrina might have been a stubborn person but in the end, she does not deserve the destruction and the loss...

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