( mr. loverboy ) k. tetsuro

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kuroo tetsurō

    𝕳EARTBREAK, it had become his companion for this past couple of months. kuroo tetsuro's heart was as fragile as glass, sugary sweet as any candy; but it had many visible cracks, purple bruises and missing pieces he failed to pick up from the cold ground, and you hated it so much, hated how easy it was for him to fall in love.

( you hated him, ) the dawn though dim and shadowed casted a soft glow inside the golden dust of the barren gymnasium. you pushed the heavy doors closed behind you, leaving a trail of an angry thud echoing between the cracks of the room's silence. between your grasp you held a plastic bag, you let out a heavy sigh and ran your hands through your hair out of frustration.

    ( to him, you only existed to comfort him through his harshest foolishness,) you were frustrated but not mad, you could never be mad at someone who had too much love for his own good. his kind of love made him a fool in a puppet show. others took advantage of that love so sickly sweet and fragile before leaving kuroo in the dust to collect his broken heart prices one by one—every single time.

    but to you? you fell for his foolish love. there was a time in spring where kuroo loved you. the honey in his eyes held nothing but pure sincerity, lips pursed in shyness and cheeks kissed with the touch of apple red. you fell for how adorable he was, and you were his shelter—that is until the rain from outside subsided, and with a kiss of simple sweetness kuroo was off towards another adventure, he never ones looked back because he found himself falling for another ( but he said that he still loved you, and somehow you cannot find the lie in his eyes when he said that to you, )

    he just had too many love to give, and now leaning against the wall was kuroo who had a broken look in his honey eyes. tears were spilling and hands trembling ever so slightly. ( many people took advantage of him, maybe that's why you were mad at him this time, ) you had the urge deep within your crimson arteries, a bittersweet taste of anger to fling the plastic bag across the smooth gym floors was burning your mind, but you decided to settle yourself in front of him, pulling out the water bottle you had bought.

    your actions did not hold kindness, nor were you rough and inconsiderate with the broken-hearted boy before you. from top to bottom your bones were glazed with macabre syrup, your eyes like dark planets frozen cold when you stare down at him. kuroo takes the bottle and finishes half of it in an instant, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

    "how are you feeling?" there were no broken spaces between your words and the boy chuckles bitterly. 

    "i'm tired." ( are you the only one who's tired, tetsuro? ) kuroo sighs and holds his hand out, expecting you to pull him back to his feet like the usual—but to his surprise, you stood your ground, frozen stiff. kuroo peers up at you with his big deep honeys, "don't look at me like that," you wanted to say that so badly, the words lodged on your throat.

    "are you okay?" he reaches out to you, and you almost flinch at the way his fingers brushed your hair so gently. kuroo stops when you held his wrist, stopping his action.

    "kuroo-san." you say. "why are you crying?"

    "why do you mean?"

    "just answer the question," there was a bite in your tone and kuroo blinks with his still teary eyes. "because my girlfriend broke up with me,"

    "your girlfriend, how do you feel about her?"

    "i loved her." kuroo's voice held so much genuine adoration and determination. that simple sentence made you crack with anger and you close your eyes and exhale a frustrated breath. "i knew you would say that," then you open your eyes, irises burning with cold tears.

    "do you still love me, kuroo-san?"

    "what?" conflicted, you could see it in his eyes. the way he looked at you like a lovesick puppy was the same look he gave to many others before. ( you were just a hostage, you told yourself that again and again, )

    "i know you heard me the first time," the silence stretches into the far distance of the room, and the seconds rolled counter clockwise.

    "ofcourse i still love you," kuroo says, honey eyes soft under the sunset.

   "and," you start, "you still love her too right?"

    frozen, stiff, tensed like a granite statue: that was the kuroo standing before you. you almost chuckled at how honest he was. too much love was both a curse and a blessing, it's not like kuroo to fall out of love. he was a boy who never loved less, but he loved everyone and everything too much. ( you told yourself that again, again until today, )

    you reach out and touch his cheeks so tenderly, "kuroo-san," you smile at him. "i know you come back to me no matter what and today and the day next i'll love you forever and ever, lovers or not, friends or not," your words roll out like sweet syrup, but the coldness that settle within kuroo's bones made him shiver under the pressure of your words.


    "but i love myself more than you," this time, you decide to listen to yourself.


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