Chapter three

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Saturday, the only day of the week you work all day and your favourite day too. You don't have to worry about the summer heat that is getting closer and just about how funny everyone looks when they entered the shop after being on the heat outside. It might have been semi - cloudy and the weather man had said it was going to rain but it was not that cloudy yet so the heat was exponential. You found it so refreshing to see the expression of the customers, some would just smile when coming in, some would do poses and act like they are ascending to heaven and some would even do a short original dance to the counter, you found it made your day a little brighter.

Jamie on the other hand... was having none of that... he wanted to enjoy the heat and go to a beach, but he was cold, believe it or not, his usual long sleeve shirt was failing to keep him warm and his fingernails started to look a freezing purple, he seemed more miserable than usual and you deduced it was because he overslept and did not have his morning dose of "man's one perfect creation" as he calls it. You wished you could help him but touching him would only make him colder, so, you went for the next great thing and made him a cup of coffee.

Jamie had just finished with the last customer on the line (for the moment) and you came out of the back with his hot drink.

"Oh, lookie what I have here, a hot drink for a cold boy"

He turned to you and his eyes lit up like fireworks. "My love!! how I have missed you." He took the paper cup from your hands and smelled it's content. "What in the world would I do without you?"

"Probably look upset and cold all day, you are welcome."

"I meant the coffee, but thank you." He gave you a playful smile and started to drink his cup.

"Why don't you have your break now, go walk outside, it looks like you need it."

"Yeah, my lunch break is after yours so I should eat something to hold me up until then."

"Yep, I'll cover you, I want to use my half hour break and lunch break in one go so you might be busy."

"Isn't that a little ambitious? Won't being out that long have negative effects?"

"You think? Actually I'm doing this as a favour to Sarah, she wanted us to investigate that small restaurant, they have a wide ice cream variation and she wants to know if they are competition. Besides, I won't be that long outside, I'll stay inside that restaurant and also, it will rain later today so the clouds should offer protection."

"Working on your break? Jeez, you're just as much of a workaholic as your parents" Jamie commented the last part on a low voice so that you wouldn't hear it but you did.

"Hahaha, no, no. I was curious myself, maybe we can go in the afternoon?" You looked at him hoping he would say yes, you didn't like leaving him out.

"Sure but, can't she do it?" he raised a brow at you as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Her features are too noticeable so they'd immediately recognize her as the manager if they decide to come here. This is something like an undercover thing."

"Suit yourself then." He headed outside to make use of the sun that slowly disappeared in between the clouds to walk himself while he enjoyed his freshly made coffee.

~~Small time skip~~

Ojiro was walking through the streets after leaving his house with no particular destination in mind. He then found himself passing through a familiar smoothie place and curiosity hit him making him look through the window and he saw you again, smiling at each person that approached the counter. He was almost lost in a type of trance when you looked out the window and met his eyes.

SMOOTHY TIME OjiroxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now