7. a letter

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Hey Jisung it's Min,
I maybe broke my phone,
so I wanted to write you this letter
to let you know that I won't be able to bother you these next few days, unfortunately.
Also paint your nails more often, it looks hot.
Love you, take care don't miss me too much boyfriend.


"Jisung, why have you been staring at that paper for at least 5 minutes now." Seungmin asked trying to get a glimpse of what was written on it, unsuccessfully.

"None of your business, it was in MY locker for a reason and not in yours." Jisung folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

That was until Hyunjin got curious and secretly stole the paper and started reading it out loud, loud enough for the whole friend group to hear it.

"Don't miss me too much boyfriend." Jeongin laughed and grimaced, which made Jisung blush out of embarrassment.

Felix didn't feel the need to say anything, he just laughed with the group, but he didn't laugh at the same thing. He was laughing because he helped Minho write that letter and he had to come earlier than everyone else so he could put the letter in Jisung's locker.

Just a few moments later the bell rang, which meant class started for everyone.

But when classes started, Jisung wasn't focusing at all, his thoughts constantly kept wandering away to Min, on the inside Jisung really wished it was Minho, but he also knew for a matter of fact, Minho would never like him in that way.


unknown number
hi jisung
I know you missed me
it's been a week hope you liked the letters

It's been a week already?
didn't even notice
but sure I missed u man

don't act all sarcastic now
your friends tell me
more than you think they do

would you look at that
it's already 9pm
I'm so tired good night

seen, 9.02 pm


Jisung really wanted to believe that it was Minho who was the one messaging him all the time, but something made Jisung believe that Minho probably wasn't even into dudes.

Min being Minho made sense in every possible way to Jisung, but the boys telling him that all their siblings had min in their names made Jisung more confused than he should be, I mean maybe it wasn't Minho after all?

Maybe he just had a big fat crush on Minho and wished it was him because he was delusional.

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