"I'm your animal"

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*felix doing a spongebob voice* a few hours later

Minho had taken jisung out to a beautiful rooftop restaurant, with a view of the Eiffel Tower and luckily anyone that was also there had no idea who minho was so they could do whatever they want

After they ate, the two boys were walking hand in hand through the city, Minho was wearing a mask to prevent anyone recognising him, which was quite unlikely but he still had people taking photos of him almost everywhere he went

It started getting dark but Minho had one last thing he wanted to do

"Come on" Minho said almost running and pulling on jisungs arm to follow

"Where are with going?"

Minho then pointed to the Eiffel Tower "to the top" he said dragging the younger along again


Choosing to take the elevator instead of the stairs the two finally got to the top and when they did Minho covered jisungs eyes, guiding him to the edge "I wanted to show you something"

When the older let jisung go, the younger opened his eyes and seen the orangy pink sky above the whole city

"I wanted to bring you here when the sun was setting" jisung held onto the bars at the edge looking out while Minho stayed back and just watched the younger

"Wow it's beautiful" Jisung exclaimed

"Yeah it is" Minho said staring only at the younger

"Wait aren't you scared of heights" Jisung said turning around

"Yes but As long as your here I'm fine" the older held onto Jisung with his arms around the boys waist and his chin on the youngers shoulder

There was barely anyone near them and the people who were there wasn't paying any attention to the two

As they were looking out at everything you could see from such a height, Minho realised there truly wasn't anyone in this world he would rather be here with then the boy in his arms and he never wanted the moment to end, he never wanted to let go

He then made his decision and moved his mouth closer to the blondes ear and whispered "I love you"

The younger completely froze, not expecting that to come from the older, he turns his head around to see a smiling Minho and he turned around "w-what" and stepped back a little

Minho then took ahold of his hand and brought him close again holding his hips "what? Aren't I allowed to tell my boyfriend I love him"

"Did you just call me your boyfriend" Jisung said, feeling unable to process anything that's happened in the past 30 seconds

"Is that not what you are?" Minho joked

"Not until you ask me" Jisung said crossing his arms, backing up away from the older again

"Well then" Minho grabbed both of jisungs hands and got down on one knee "will you Han jisung make me the luckiest person that's ever existed and be my boyfriend?"

"Yes now get up before someone thinks your proposing" he said pulling the other to his feet and hugging him "I love you too"

Minho felt so happy he could scream... and so he did, he went to the edge of the bars and screamed at the top of his lungs "HAN JISUNG IS MY BOYFRIEND"

Jisung had to pull him away from the edge
"Hey what about the whole not allowed to be called your boyfriend because of your company thing? Did something happen"

"Yes, I've realised that I don't give a shit about my job, I'd rather be broke and almost homeless if it means I get to be with you, and I don't mean as a secret"

"I don't want you to loose your job for me"

"Why? Is it because your with me for my money?" Minho said jokingly as he put his hand on his heart

"Obviously, what's the point in having a sugar daddy when he can't buy you gifts" Jisung replied

"It's fine when i joke about it but now I'm scared"

"I'm happy as long as you are I just want to know if you're sure"

"Hey look" Minho exclaimed turning the younger around

Jisung looked down and the sky had gone dark but the lights lit up the whole city

Minho looked around seeing no one was there and whispered in jisungs ear "never have I ever had sex on the top of the Eiffel Tower" Jisung shoves him back laughing

"And never will you ever"

"It was worth a try" Minho put his hands up in defence

"There's cameras everywhere and anyone could see us we'd get arrested"

"So that's the only things you have against it.... good to know"

"You're an animal" Jisung laughed looking back out on the city

"I'm your animal" Minho said resuming his place hugging jisungs back

The couple made their way down and both decided to walk back since the hotel wasn't far

"My mum called me this morning" Minho let out, swinging their intertwined hands

"Yeah?" Jisung said turning to him

"She wants me to come have dinner with her soon, I was thinking you could come"

"Does she know about us?"

"No but I'm planning on telling my family, they aren't homophobic and have always been really supportive but I still don't know how it'll go"

"Well then yes I'll come, I wanna be there for you"

"I love you" Minho said smiling, feeling happy about being able to finally say it

"Yeah yeah I know you do... wait.... is that what you said to me last night" jisung stopped


"Ahh shit you said It for the first time and I didn't even hear you" they both laughed

"Just because of what happened earlier doesn't mean that that will happen ever again okay, I'm not a hoe I'm just a hormonal teenager who is allowed to have weak moments"

"Okay okay, lets just hope those weak moments are common then" Jisung then Rolled his eyes at the older

"So when we get back to the hotel we're going to sleep and JUST sleep"

"You sure?" Minho smirked

"Absolutely positive"

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