Chapter 1

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"Get away." Natalie said.
"I'm just asking for a pen, Natalie." Chase said.
"Ask the other people from around you." Natalie replied.
"Natalie, please stay silent in the class." Said the teacher.
"Ma'am, Chase is bugging me." Natalie said.
"I'm just asking for a pen ma'am." Chase argued.
"Ask from someone els-" Natalie argued back.
"Natalie please just give him the spare pen and get this over with." The teacher said turning back to the blackboard.
"I don't have an extra pen so just take this pencil." Natalie said begrudgingly giving a pencil.
"Thanks for your help." Chase replied brightly taking the pencil.

Natalie was a pretty good looking girl as everyone would say. She had shining blue eyes, her Auburn hair neatly combed into a ponytail. She was a pretty hard working student with mostly good grades on everything except maths. She lived with her father who worked as a full time doctor and older sister who worked as a waitress at the local café and had been friends with her neighbour Chase for 5 years, but still despised his clinginess.
Chase was a smart, good looking and popular boy with green eyes and messy brown hair, who always clinged to Natalie. He worked sometimes as a delivery boy at the same local café where Hayley worked at. For some reason Natalie just hated his existence. He lived alone as his mother had passed away and his older sister had been married for 2 years and lived 5 hours away.

After the class, it was lunch time.
"Finally, I am so hungry." Natalie said taking out her lunchbox.
"So am I." Said her best friend, Penny.
"Alright everyone listen up." Chase announced.
He was standing on the table in the middle of the class.
"I have a confession to make." He said. "A confession from the bottom of my heart. A confession of love."
"Alright, alright enough with the suspense Chase. Spit it out." Said Mack.
"This ought to be good." Penny said looking over.
"This is so dumb." Natalie said.
"I am in love with someone." Chase announced.
"Who?" Most of the class asked in sync.
"That someone is Natalie Davis." Chase replied.
"What?" Natalie blurted out.
"Natalie, please go out with me." Chase said kneeling on the table.
The class fell silent as everyone looked in Natalie's direction.
"Aww, how romantic." Penny said.
Natalie turned to face Penny, put her hands on Penny's shoulders and said, "Penny. I want you to go jump of the roof. You are supposed to be my friend. You know about me and him."
Natalie got up and ran out of the class.
"Damn Chase. Looks like you scared her." George said.

Natalie didn't come to the last 2 classes. During that time, she hid in the girls bathroom.
'That idiot.' She thought. 'Confessing in a filled class. What was he thinking? I don't even like him.'
Natalie peaked her head out of the stall and looked around.
'Okay. My stuff should be in the class. I can sneak in there and grab it and just run out the school gate.'
Natalie got out of the bathroom and quickly ran through the crowd of students leaving. Once in the class she started to look around for her books and bag.
"You won't find your things here, Nat." A voice came from behind her, startling her.
"Penny." Natalie said turning around. "What do you mean?"
"You'll find your stuff outside the gate with someone." Penny said simply, leaving the class.
Natalie looked out the window and said, "You can't be serious."
She made a mad dash to the gate and found Chase standing there with her bag.
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING TAKING MY BAG?" She yelled marching towards him.
"I thought you would appreciate it that someone packed your bag and waited for you until your breakdown was over." Chase replied fearlessly as Natalie snatched her bag from him.
Chase tried to put his hand around Natalie who slapped it away.
"Don't touch me, stupid." She demanded.
"Are you still angry about my confession?" Chase asked.
"Yeah no shit Sherlock." Natalie said. "Who told you to confess in front of the entire class? That too, our class, which is the most gossipy."
"So you would have accepted my confession if I had said it to you in private?" Chase said digging in his bag.
"No." Natalie replied. "I would have beaten you to a pulp."
"Here. Thanks for the pencil." Chase said giving the pencil Natalie lended to him earlier.
"Glad to help." Natalie said sarcastically. "Now get lost, before people get the wrong idea that we are a cute couple or something."
"So what?" Chase replied. "You are cute. And let them think that. Personally I don't mind."
"I will kill you." Natalie said grabbing Chase's collar.
Chase grabbed her face and kissed her. After what felt like hours, he let go only to find a flaming Natalie.
"Whoa. I thought that would cool you down." Chase said with fear in his eyes.
"You. FREAKING. IDIOT." Natalie screamed as she launched herself onto Chase, flailing her arms at him.
Chase took off running with Natalie hot on his heels.

Later, Natalie managed to get back home after she lost Chase.
"You are pretty late for a girl who likes to be on time." Came the voice of Hayley, her older sister.
"Hi sis. It's a long story." Natalie said. "What's that heavenly smell?"
"Your favourite curry." Hayley said coming out of the kitchen.
She set down the food on the table and sat down saying, "Why don't you tell me all about it over dinner."
Natalie narrated the entire story.
"So you got your first kiss, huh." Hayley said smiling.
"More like stolen. That idiot. Somehow he manages to get on my nerves. I just hate him." Natalie said stuffing food in her face.
"Come on. You 2 have been friends for a good 5 years now. How can you still hate him? He's a good person, no matter how clingy." Hayley said. "And I am sure you forgot that he lives next door."
As if on cue the bell rang. Hayley got up to get the door.
"Oh hi, Chase." She greeted. "We were just talking about your antics today. Bold move today."
"Hi Hayley." Chase greeted red in the face. "This is for you."
Chase handed a box containing sweets.
"My sister just gave birth to a girl. I am now an uncle." He said brightly.
"That's wonderful news. Come in." Hayley said.
"No need for that. I'm sure Natalie has a bounty for my head by now." Chase said embarrassed and left.
"Okay bye. Say congratulations to Lisa for the baby." Hayley called out.
"So what if we tell dad?" Hayley asked later.
"No, don't do that." Natalie replied quickly.
Chase and Mr. Davis had always been on good terms with eachother so much so that Mr. Davis once said, "I'd happily take you as a son in law, Chase."
"Why?" Hayley asked sitting there. "You worried that dad would kill him? You know that won't be a problem."
"That's why." Natalie replied. "He would immediately marry me with him on 1st notice."
"Isn't that nice?" Hayley asked smiling.
"No." Natalie replied. "I still have University to go to. I have my own future to be worried about."
"You worry too much, little sis." Hayley

Natalie Davis, 18 years old.
Chase Joseph, 19 years old.
Hayley Davis, 24 years old.
Lisa Joseph, 28 years old.
Mr. Davis, 45 years old.
Penny James, 18 years old.

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