Chapter Three

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Third Person P.O.V

Alexandra hummed a song as she finished making the food, bringing out two plates out to the living room, one for her and one for Billy. "Thank you, Alexandra." He smiled gratefully as she handed his plate to him. "You're welcome, oh and be careful, it's hot." As she sat down she heard the front door open. "Billy?" Alexandra glanced over at Billy who just kept eating food. "In here!" He called out with his mouth slightly full with food.

A tall man walked into the living room, looking like he was about to say something but stopped when he saw Alexandra sitting there. "Hey, Sam." Alexandra raised an eyebrow at the man before her, not remembering meeting him before. "Hello, I'm Alexandra, Charlie's daughter." Sam looked at her in confusion, not seeing any resemblance between the two, or between her and Bella.

"I'm adopted." She caught onto his thoughts. "Oh, uh, nice to meet you." She grinned. "The pleasure is all mine. There is some food leftover in the kitchen that I haven't put away yet, in case you want some." He just gave her a nod before looking over at Billy. "What do you need?" He asked after he finished his food. "Oh, it's not important, we can talk about it later." Sam glanced over at the girl again as she ate, obviously not wanting to tell him in front of her.

Alexandra finished her food and grabbed Billy's plate. "Do you want me to pack you some food that you can eat at home?" She asked as she stopped in front of Sam. "Sure, thank you." She smiled. "Of course." She made her way to the kitchen, sitting the plates in the sink before she looked through a few cabinets, finding the foil.

She put the rest of the food on a plate before she covered the top with some foil. She happily walked out to the living room, ignoring how the other stopped talking in their hushed tones once she came in. "Here you go, it's still warm." She carefully gave it to him. "Thank you, Alexandra." She nodded. "It was wonderful to meet you, but I have to go." She just gave another nod before she made her way back to the kitchen, cleaning the dishes and the counter.

After 10 minutes she was done and she walked back out to the living room, sitting down on the couch. "I should have you make me food more often." Billy joked as he gave out a small chuckle. Alexandra laughed with him before she started the rest of her work. Her eyelids started to get heavier each assignment, her body slowly down as it begged her to sleep.

"I think I'm gonna go on a walk, is that okay?" She got up looking over to Billy for approval. "Oh sure, but be back within the hour." Alexandra gave him a hug then left the house, heading straight for the trees. She hummed happily as she was surrounded by nature, her eyes closed as she spun around, a laugh escaping her lips. Alexandra touched the trees or plants as she walked, giving them more life as she went. The sun smiled brightly down on her as she came across a small clearing.

"How pretty." She mumbled before she laid down in the grass. Alexandra closed her eyes as she felt the warm sun on her, leaking through the trees. Alexandra felt her exhaustion hit at full blast, she wasn't used to not getting sleep. "Just a 5 second nap." She tiredly reassured herself as she slowly started to give into the peaceful sleep that was pulling her in. Right as she was about to be fully asleep she heard a twig snap.

Alexandra quickly sat up, her eyes looking around as she realized it probably wasn't a good idea to fall asleep, seeing as there are animals out there and she would be vulnerable. Alexandra sighed before she got up, wiping some dirt off of her. She hummed a song as she started walked farther in, looking around at the beauty called nature.

After 30 minutes of a peaceful walk she came out of the treeline, walking up to the front door to Billy's house. Alexandra walked in, taking off her shoes as she went. "I'm back Billy." She spoke as she made her way to the living room, sitting down next to him and grabbing her computer once again. "I was starting to get worried." He grinned, joking as he watched a sports game.

"Don't worry, I know my way around nature." Alexandra reassured as she logged into her school user, only having algebra homework left. "You look like you need a nap, why don't you go use Jacob's bed? He won't be back for a while and you need a break." Alexandra smiled at the kind offer but shook her head. "I need to get this done." Billy grabbed her computer and closed it. "It wasn't an offer, it was an order. Now go get some sleep, I'll wake you up in an hour." Alexandra gave in and nodded.

"Thank you, Billy." Alexandra made her way to the room, collapsing on top of the covers of the bed. Alexandra quickly fell asleep, small snores coming from her mouth. Her dreams were mostly of nature, but every now and then she would see this huge wolf lurking behind trees, watching her.

Alexandra woke up, Billy shaking her shoulder. "You're sister is here, sorry I didn't wake you earlier, you looked like you needed the rest." Alexandra gave Billy a tired smile, getting up from the bed and stretching. "It's alright Billy." She went out and put her computer in her bag, Billy walking her to the door. "Thank you for coming over today, it was nice having your company." Billy gave her a hug as she said her goodbyes then walking over to Bella's truck and hopping in.

"Hey Bells, how was school today?" Alexandra asked as she sat her bag down and put her seatbelt on. "It was fine." Alexandra frowned as she noticed Bella's mood. "I was thinking we could have a sleepover in your room tonight and we can watch movies on my laptop, maybe eat too much popcorn. How does that sound?" Bella smiled at her sister's attempt to cheer her up, thinking over about the idea. "Maybe, I'll have to do my homework first then see how I'm feeling about the movies. But we can definitely have a sleepover." She answered, her eyes remaining on the road.

"Okay!" Alexandra didn't want to leave Bella alone, she knew she was going to have another nightmare, so she was happy Bella was letting her be there for the troubled Swan. "Billy said you were taking a nap when I came to pick you up?" Bella worried to herself, not wanting to keep Alexandra from getting sleep. "Oh that was nothing, Billy would give back my computer unless I would get some rest, you know how he is." Bella let out a soft, short laugh as her worries started to lower until they were barely there.

"We are definitely watching Corpse Bride."

"Oh god, no!"

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