Diego's party

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Diego POV
I invited everyone over to my house for a party but made a terrible mistake when I asked Boots out when he wasn't ready. Darn I should have waited until he was drunk now he's left the party.
I was thinking about ending the party early because it was getting so awkward between Dora and I, she keeps glaring at me and swearing at me in Spanish. I hope my relationship isn't ruined with Dora or Boots because I love my cousin and have the biggest crush on that hot little monkey boy and we were only just starting to connect.

Boots POV
God dam it Diego why did you have to ask me out! I've only met you like twice and the only things I know about you is what Dora told me!! Things are going to be so awkward now and I bet Dora is mad at me! I don't even know what my sexuality is and Diego made it so much harder!

I was walking back to my house when I accidentally took a wrong turn. I heard a rustling in the bushes and suddenly swiper jumped out. "Now is not the time! I've just been asked out by my best friends cousin when I only met him twice and I'm not in the mood to be robbed! I don't even know if my best friend Dora will ever talk to me again! You're always bullying me and Dora, why are you so obsessed with us?!!"

"Boots, I'm so sorry for all I've done but I'm not trying to make you upset! I just wanted to have some friends but it's so hard to when I had to teach myself how to steal for a living after being dumped on the streets by my parents! I was only gonna ask what's wrong when you immediately told me that you're not in the mood for me! You don't even know me! I guess you don't want my emotional support I probably can't help you anyway. You always tell me, 'swiper no swiping!' But I was only trying to get close to you, and I was trying to make friends! I guess I'm always gonna be alone, and what's so sad about your life? You rejected someone and now it's awkward? At least someone asked you out in the first place!! And you're best friend might not talk to you for like... a day?! At least you have friends!!!! Everyone hates me, why the hell am I even telling you all of thi-"

I wanted to be mad at Swiper, but I couldn't control my body and fell into his arms, hugging him. He's been through so much more than me, it was so selfish of me to complain to him. I had no idea that this whole time he just wanted to make a friend, and we were being so rude to him.

Swiper POV
Just as I was about to finish yelling at Boots he ran forward and hugged me! He actually hugged me and my heart melted and for the first time... I had found...

A true friend (what did you think I was gonna say??)

"Hey Boots I was thinking it's getting kinda late and the way back to yours could be dangerous at this time of night so do you want to camp out at mine and we can use my map to find your place in the morning?" I asked Boots who was still cuddled up to my chest.

"Sure!" He responded with a smile " I think I took a wrong turn and it will be nice to get to know you!" And with that we stood up and started walking towards my tree house. We walked in a comfortable silence with our shoulders bumping occasionally. It was really nice until I heard Boots cry out in pain. I whipped around and saw him on the ground holding his ankle.

"What happened? Are you ok?!" I asked as I bent down to see what happened. When I looked down I saw that Boots had his foot caught in one of Diego's animal traps.

"Holy shit!" I cursed. I reached forwards but the moment my finger touched Boots he yelled out in agony and flinched away. "Hey hey hey it's ok" I soothed "I'm going to count to three and on three I'm going to pull it off you ok?" He looked up at me and nodded

"One.. two.. three!" And with that I forced the trap open and threw it over my shoulder
"Ahhh!!" Yelled Boots. I pulled him into my lap and bandaged his bleeding ankle with my bandanna.
"I'm going to carry you the rest of the way to mine, I doubt that you'll be walking for the next few weeks" I said as I picked him up bridal style and started running towards my house. I had to get there as soon as possible before Boots's wound gets infected.

Word count: 835 words

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